The party

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The next day...

Joeys Pov
Last night was fun, y/n and I are getting pretty serious. A ringtone started to play.
"Feet don't fail me now take me to the finish line oh my heart it breaks every step that I take" (Lana Del Rey born to die)I answered it.
???: hey Joey
Joey: hey um who are you?
???: omg are you serious Joey it's me Luke!
Joey:o..Oh! hey man what's up?
Luke:I was wondering if you and y/n want to come to my party tonight?
Joey:well y/ n is asleep but I will ask her when she wakes up. when does it start?
Luke: 6:00 pm
Joey : ok talk to you later man
Luke: ok bye
~end of call~
I go up to the room to see y/n not there I then here the shower going.

Y/n Pov
I woke up and saw Joey not there so I decided to have a shower. I hadn't even got into the shower yet and I hear joeys voice.
Joey : y/n ?
Y/ n: yeah?
Joey:Luke wants us to come to his party it starts at six is that ok with you?
I look at the clock it's 10:00am
Y/n:yea sure bub
Joey: yes!
I then undress and have a nice warm shower.
-- 7 hours later--
It's four o'clock ok still got 2 hrs to spare I put on a black t shirt with a half way denim jacket with denim jeans with black converse. I walk out without any makeup like who needs that anyway I'm beautiful the way I am. Joey opens my side of the cat and runs to his side. 5:30 we still have 30 minutes left, I head to boba and get something for everyone.

Joeys Pov
We stop to get a few things and we're off to Luke's when we walk through the door they're playing spin the bottle y/n and I join in and it lands on me and her. We leaned in and pecked each others lips. After about 10 mins of playing spin the bottle I have an idea for a new game I ask.
Joey:does anyone have pocky?
Meagan:I do!
Joey:can I have it please
Joey:thank you
Meagan just nodded
Joey:ok these are the rules we pick out a card say for e.g I was 3 and y/ n was 5 and the person who has the king says them two have to get the pocky and you both eat it till you kiss.

Authors Note
Hey guys sorry about updating it now it's just my teachers have been giving me assignments left right and centre. I will update soon... I hope well goodbye and remember CAT BUTT!!! XD

My one and only (a Joey Graceffa fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora