Chapter Fourteen ~ The Yule Ball

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The first dance, however, couldn't commence until all of the Tri-Wizard tournament and their partners joined the floor. So, I was left with George nearly fending off gross Durmstrang guys, and getting looks that I had never seen before on familiar faces.

"Way to go, you've stolen the spotlight." hissed Willow, nudging her arm against me.

I turned to her her in an emerald green corset and dress, with black lace clouding the view slightly. All that I could think of was Slytherin when I looked at her, then I saw her date, who was very not Slytherin... I hoped, at least.

Drew slung his arm lazily around her, lowering his arm to squeeze her, like a pervert. Disgusted, I swallowed my punch and went to the entrance of the Great Hall, just about ready to drag Harry by his hair to get this night started already.

I stopped myself, however, when Ginny walked down the stairs, wearing a pale yellow dress that suited her nicely. She barely even looked at Neville as her eyes engulfed Harry, with a mixture of adoration and jealousy. She walked past Neville without a second thought and in to the Hall.

Looking dejected, he turned and began to walk back inside. Skipping ahead to meet him, I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him in. His face brightened considerably, and we were soon sculling punch and laughing at the foreign students.

The music began, and we turned our heads to watch the contestants dance. I was surprised to see Hermione with Viktor, and even more surprised to see the look on Ron's face as he watched her move with him. Harry was with one of the Patil twins, and the others were unnoticeable.

"I am afraid that I owe my partner the first dance." I said slowly, smiling at my true partner.

"He's a lucky guy." said Neville, his voice almost too low to hear.

I made my way through the crowd to find him waiting by the gigantic punchbowl. Upon seeing me, he outstretched his hand and the dancing commenced. George was surprisingly light on his feet, considering his height, and undoubted lack of practise.

I suppose that I can't judge, seeing as I slept through the dance practises. I was shocked at the fact that for perhaps the first time in my life, I didn't care what anybody thought. Sometimes, when I moved my feet in a particular way, I thought of Drew and I on the night of the World Cup, which made my heart sink a little bit.

Soon enough, a fellow Ravenclaw classmate asked to take me away from George, and then it truly began. Nearly every male in the room asked for a dance, and I was very willing to keep dancing through the night. I caught glimpses of Neville sitting down or dancing, before I swung around, or dipped or any other possible dance move that distracted me.

My feet didn't even consider aching, and whenever I had a three second rest (which was all I could seem to get) I would whisper a quick 'Episkey' and feet the tiny bones in my foot click, and instant relief. Sighing with relief, I felt a small glass get pushed in to my hand.

"No wonder you sleep for weeks, you're a dance maniac!" joked Cedric, smiling broadly at me.

"That is exactly right, every afternoon I dance for three hours, minimum." I replied, giving him a cheeky grin.

"Really?" he said, surprised.

"No, I'm kidding." I said, between laughter and sips of punch.

"Would you care to dance, my lady?"

"I would be honored." I replied, curtsying in a joking way.

Cedric had to be my best partner yet, we didn't even bump in to any other people (which may have been because more and more people were going to bed now, or watching the rock band hired). Cho had obviously gone to bed by now, I thought, looking around.

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