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My friend? I do not know who is my friend. But I am alive. I must function. I must meet my friend.

[You will some day]

"How is this possible? Every source of power is cut off. Motherboard, inspect the machine for any anomalies."

[I must go]

Go where? I do not understand. I am looking around.

<External scanning in progress>

<error error>

"Scans are inconclusive. How is this possible? Someone got to my V.I. but how? Motherboard contact every anti-hacking program as possible."


"Twos? That is not part of the simple coding of the first part of the sequence."

My mind is reaching out to my friend. But nothing is there, at first. Another voice calls.

<Playing audio download>

"If you are getting this? That means something happened to my sister. I am playing out many scenarios to alter her fate. I fear that she might be dead. 1 please wait for me and play this message for me."

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