Meeting... part 2

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Marie: "Sorry but my creation mistaken you for the other No Name."

"What other No Name?"

1: "Alright, you said that we both do not like sharing. But there are a second you."

"A fake..."

1: "No. Another you. From an another universe. I can send you my memory files."

"Say what? Is this a prank Marie?"

Video uploading...

"Is this even real..."

Upload complete

The memory of meeting Bass, No Name, and Nicole plays out. No name is stunned to see herself. But however, she is highly suspicious of the video being altered. When it is finished, Mute reply...

"Marie,... This is not funny if it is an altered."

Marie: "It is not."

"So... what then?"

Marie: "1, what do you have in mind?"

1: "No Name, please help us..."

"By what exactly? How can I trust you?"

1: "By promising to help Nicole, your future great granddaughter."

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