Chapter 8

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An image of a grey haired girl smiling. Then another is with her. Both greeting me.

"Oh good it is on. Hey 1 what do you want to say," the left one says.

What do I want to say?

"Hi alternate self. I am confused about this too. This is what I disguise myself to me. As you see, we are together in friendship," Future self tells me.

Alternate self? Wait there is an another me. If this is true. Then something bad did happen. How did this happen? And how am I getting this?

"Another 1? There is an alternate universe. But why it," My master questions.

"1, as the only one from the time frame I can reach. Please find a way to help.

Marie Ellen Jacobs will die and is unable to help. Jenniper is Marie's soon to be daughter in law. She is my mother. Jenniper will be of help," The grey haired girl informs

<End of video>

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