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Four days later:

After a few days, Miss E. as she called herself, helped me understand. Apparently Bass gave her a lot of knowledge about the fourth wall, breaking it, and about the writer. That is a mouth full. If what she thought is correct, then I can alter the story.

The matter is how. The idea of fourth wall breaking is simple. But the concept of taking charge of the story direction is complex. As of right now, I'm directing the story. Writer, is this right?

"Geez, you've taken a while til you learned how." No kidding. "Writer, you're at fault here." Give me a break Miss E. "Uh huh."

While the two arguing, I think this is rather nice. An unusual but bad solution to the enigma that is Treble's. "I told ya writer. That it is a bad solution." Although it seems that knowing is part of the problem. "Yeah, none of the other ones know about this."

Agh, maybe this is a mistake. "Too late writer! Once it is started. You are stuck with it." And you do have a point. "One question though! WHY DO YOU AND ONE HAVE THE SAME WRITING THOUGHTS?" Apparently you are the only one whom notices this. "Geez you think!"

I really do hope that the mess will be sorted soon. Both the writer and Miss E. are in a verbal fight.

IntelligenceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora