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The intruder stares at Bass. Testing the conviction of hers, the weapon is aimed at the head. I have to act quick.

"Bass did not want an event to repeat in this universe. So she is making sure that I am to prevent it," I told the intruder.

"That is not true. Nicole is safe and sound. Besides I am personally making sure of it," She assure me.

My creator then asks, "Is she really my grand daughter?"

"Yes," The intruder answers. Then lowers her weapon. "My own great grand daughter is causing trouble. How saddening is that?"

Bass is flabberghasted. If what she said is true, then she is no name. The same one that helps the Ellicausans ally the Scallitarians. But how in the world she knows about Bass?

"Because, I followed her into this universe. You really should not be shocked about this," She tells me.

So both no name and Bass are from the other universe. But what about Nicole?

"In parole. She is in my ship. This is why I did not want to be involved with my family. No one wants to listen to me. Everyone in their own thing," No name informs us.

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