Chapter 15

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Oh, I am sorry Bass. You are definately right.

"Yeah! You know... what? You are agreeing," Bass replies.

My creator is thinking Bass is talking to herself. She looks at me. I am sure of it. My creator can not hear the writer.

"Bass. My creator does not hear The Writer. She is confused. Please decode program file 101," I plea to her.

She looks at my creator then me. "Oh, I did not know. Stupid writer is interupting me. Alright lets take a ... WHAT THE!"

Another gateway opens. And it is someone different. An armed intruder aims the weapon at Bass. Then speaks, "Found one of you; You and your sister do not belong here. Go back to your universe!"

Bass can not believe her eyes. Neither did my creator. Who is this person? And how did this person know about Bass and Treble? Bass appears to want to run away from her.

"Not til I find a way to save my older sister! Nicole is in danger! I won..."

Bass is stopped when a single warning shot in the air hits the ceiling. Now what happens?

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