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Everything about Brutten music is simple to me. When I look at the basics of voice in music, I found it. The information of voice is slightly complex. But Flite or "Bass" are a lower pitch of vocal sound by men. By men?

Is this a joke? The Bass I've met is a girl. I search further about anything in choral and sound. I've found Zia or "Treble" to be in the opposite tone frequency to Bass. Bass being low and Treble being high frequency.

Then I got to thinking about other frequencies. Nico or "Alto" is the key to program file 101. Strange to name a child after a frequency. But that is the key. And I am disturbed.

Treble's memories pours in. She does not understand why. Why Nicole got arrested? She have interfered with so many worlds. Why now? Then at the end, her brother...

This does not compute. How did he know? Whom informed him to make that arrest? "Alto" was not even in his list of agenda. This was wrong.

How? How. I am starting to think No Name has a hand in this. I grow suspicious.

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