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I do not understand why myself and my creator were forced out of the communication. But if what she said is true then... nothing we do can change it. At least until we realize what we do.

"How can this happen," my creator questions. She is confused about the situation. For myself...myself... "Something wrong? One, you look depressed," Marie comments.

"I...don't know. What good is knowing if you can't change..." Then I see an unfamiliar face enter the room. A short person walks in and plugs into the computer.

"Who are you," my creator demands. The person ignores. Marie tries to hit her. The girl blocks Marie's fist with ease. "Geez, you are slow." The girl lets go and continues inputing into the computer. My mind...


"...Program file 101... that is just such a boring name. Lets add in this," ? says

My head feels like it is on fire. It hurts! "YAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" The pain! The pain!

IntelligenceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin