Chapter 3

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Niall's head was tipped against the back of the chair as he stared at the ceiling. He'd been listening to Maisie and Nolan and some representative from the record company discuss him like he wasn't in the room for the past 30 minutes. He'd have interrupted if he thought it would've done any good. But as it was, no one seemed to pay much attention to or care what it was he wanted. Which was probably better considering Niall had no idea what he wanted anyway.

He let out a deep sigh, barely even realizing that the room had gone silent,

"Mr. Horan?" He heard a female voice say.

He lifted his head, his eyes meeting Maisie's for the first time since he'd walked into the room. All three of them were looking at him as though he'd been asked a question although he had no idea what it was.

Maisie raised her eyebrows,

"Yes or no?"

Niall pushed himself back up in the chair and stared between them for a moment before he shrugged,

"What was the question?"
Maisie thrust her hand out,

"Exactly. See? He can't even answer a simple question right now."

"I can an-" Niall started.

Nolan interrupted him,

"I told you this wouldn't be easy. Those pictures have caused an explosion and unless we get this handled quickly his record contract is done."

"I didn't he-" Niall started,

"Well I told you that Janina was having issues finding anyone willing to admit they were in a brothel. She says when she visited they have cameras everywhere but no one knows where the recordings are and they wouldn't tell her." Maisie interrupted. She chewed on her lip, "Alright, here's what we're gonna do. He's going to put on a nice suit..." She shot Niall a dirty look, "Get a shave." She turned her attention back to Nolan, "And he's going to apologize. He was drunk, it was a friend's birthday, he didn't realize who the girl was or where she was taking him. Nothing happened."

"But I-" Niall started.

Maisie held up her finger to shush him, her eyes flashing,

"And then you're gonna tell Melinda to find another gravy train to latch onto." Niall frowned and Maisie nodded, "You're gonna hang out with Disney stars from now on and that's it. At least until this blows over."

Niall snorted out a laugh,

"What are ya, my mother?"

Maisie stared back at him. He had to hand it to her, she didn't back down. She shook her head,

"Think you're different? You're some enigma that I've never encountered before? You are just like every other privileged, whiny celebrity that's come across my path. What's wrong? Someone bruise your incredibly fragile ego?"

Niall stared back at her. It seemed weird that he was mildly aroused considering he hated her guts at the moment. She shook her head as she stood back up. The record executive Niall still didn't know the name of waved his hand towards Niall,

"When can we get him back into the studio?"

Niall exploded out of his chair,

"I'm NOT going back into the studio." He declared as he whirled around to walk towards the door.

Maisie shook her head,

"Mr. Horan-"

He turned back around to sneer at her,

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