Chapter 29

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Kyle had been gone for 20 minutes on a quest to find Maisie. He walked down every hallway he could find and even asked security. No one had seen her. And worse, now Niall seemed to have disappeared as well. He found Janina, standing on a chair on her knees as she tried to get to higher ground. When their eyes met she motioned for him to come to her.

When Kyle got close enough she reached out for help getting down from the chair,

"This was not your brightest idea." Kyle commented as he lifted her off the chair.

"I was trying to find her."

"Well good luck because she's nowhere in sight and Niall has also gone missing."

Janina's eyes widened,

"Really? I'm shocked Nolan didn't call out the National Guard."

"It's almost midnight, Nolan left an hour ago."
Janina put her hands on her hips,

"Think they're together?"

"I didn't want to got here, but it seems like it. Both of them are gone at the same time. Maybe they're having it out."
Janina chewed on her lip,

"Maybe we should ask if they rented a room."
Kyle laughed out loud,

"For a quickie?"
Janina swatted at him,

"No, so they could talk."

"Oh." Kyle nodded, "Hadn't thought about that angle."
"You stay here." Janina commanded, "I'm gonna go talk to the front desk."

Kyle watched her walk away. He turned back to the room, making quick scan before taking off towards the bathrooms.


"That is the third movie title in a row you've used." Niall complained after he'd guessed "Legally Blonde" as the words Maisie had put up for their game of Hangman.

Maisie erased the board,

"So? Is there some kinda rule?"

Niall stopped. He gave a small shrug of his shoulders after mulling it over for a moment,

"No. I guess not."

Maisie was drunk, but not drunk enough to ignore the fact that Niall had been in that room with her for almost two hours now and he didn't look to be too concerned with leaving anytime soon. She grabbed the bottle and took another sip.

Niall grabbed the marker, his eyebrows raising as he watched her gulp down the champagne,

"You almost done with that bottle?"

Maisie took the bottle from her mouth, shaking it a bit to hear what was left inside. She nodded,

"Probably three or four more gulps." She gestured to the door, "Nolan is probably freaking out looking for you right now."

Niall shook his head as he squinted while he tried to come up with a word for his next game,

"It's after midnight. He left already to go home."

Maisie watched him lift his fingers to his mouth, blinking in concentration before he finally leaned forward to dash out his word. She wished their relationship had started differently. Niall and Maisie were a classic case of meeting the right person at the wrong time. They probably would have had a shot had they met a few months before they did. When Niall was still in One Direction and Maisie wasn't such a trainwreck.

She took a breath, her inebriation subsiding long enough for her to put together an actual coherent question,

"Yeah." He said, continuing to write on the board.

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