Chapter 12

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Maisie woke up the moment sunlight crept into Clarice's hospital room. She wiped the sleep from her eyes, glancing over at the couch where Niall had successfully maneuvered his big body so he could sleep for the night. She contemplated waking him up and then thought better of it. He was clearly tired.

The bed they'd wheeled in so Maisie could sleep with her grandmother had to have been pulled out from some closet that hadn't seen daylight since 1975. The springs poked in her back all night long and there was a lump in the middle that was giving her the worst back ache.

She walked towards the hospital bed, smiling when she saw Clarice was already awake,

"Morning Gram."

"Good morning, My Love." Clarice responded softly, her voice barely a whisper, "Did you sleep well?"

"I did." Maisie lied.

Clarice covered Maisie's hand with her own. Maisie tried to ignore how ice cold her hand it was,

"I want to go home, Maisie."

Maisie felt a lump in her throat form immediately. Clarice knew she was coming to the end. She had accepted it.

Maisie, however, had not.

Niall was awake, listening to the exchange. He didn't have to see Maisie's face to know the kind of terror that was written across it at the moment. He stayed quiet.

Maisie took a moment to respond, almost prompting him to turn around to make sure she was alright. He stopped when he heard her take a breath,

"Maisie, I don't wanna die in this room."

Maisie felt those words like a dagger to her heart. Die? Clarice couldn't die. Maisie wasn't ready for it. She shook her head gently,

"Gram, they can still help you here."

"Maisie, I've heard the doctors. I know what they've told you."

"They haven't tried everything."

"Maisie, please..." The pleading in her voice made the lump in Maisie's throat grow to six times it's size. Maisie was unable to stop the flood of tears headed down her cheeks. She opened her mouth to protest when she heard Niall's voice.

"Maze..." He broke in, "Can we talk outside?"

Maisie looked over at him, thankful that his voice had stopped the barrage of tears for the moment. She followed him out of the room, her head bowed, her arms crossed over her stomach.

Once they were out of the room, he turned to look at her. She shook her head, staring at the floor as if it held every answer,

"I can't."


She looked up at him,

"I can't take her home. Niall, she'll die."

Niall rubbed her shoulders gently. He had absolutely no idea what she was going through or what he could say, but he knew he needed to calm her down. He took a breath,

"I know you're scared."

"I'm terrified Niall. Absolutely terrified."

Niall watched as her eyes darted up and down the hallway. She was definitely in a state. He put his hands to her face,

"Maze, listen t'me ok?" When she finally calmed enough to look him in the eyes he spoke, "I'm not gonna leave ya. Hear me?" When she opened her mouth to say something he pressed his finger to her lips, "I know I don't have to. I know it's not my responsibility. I know all of that and whatever other crap ya got ready t'say. I'm not gonna leave ya."

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