Chapter 18

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 Niall reached up to ring Maisie's doorbell. After his discussion with Kyle he desperately needed to talk to her. Just to make sure there was no possible way she knew about the recording. The car ride over had been absolute torture while he replayed scenes from that night over and over in his head. But that's all he had were scenes. Scenes interspersed with moments of slightly blurry memories and complete blackouts.

He couldn't even remember having gone into La Boheme much less following a prostitute into a room. A prostitute, God even the thought of it squicked him out. If Maisie ever found out he wouldn't even blame her for thinking he was gross. He thought he was gross. He'd been so insistent with Kyle that there's no way he slept with her, but he knew as well as Kyle did; there was no possible way Niall knew for sure.

And that was what scared the hell out of him.

Niall's eyes squinted as he focused on a figure coming out of Maisie's house in the darkness. He slowed to a stop a few houses down the street, his heart landing in his feet. He'd know Steven's pretentious black Mercedes anywhere. Niall felt his mouth go dry and his heart skip a few beats as he watched Steven get into the front seat of his car and calmly pull out onto the street. He passed Niall moments later on his way out of the neighborhood.

Niall looked back at Maisie's house, ablaze with lights like there were four people living there rather than just one. He swallowed hard. It was almost one in the morning and Steven was just leaving, looking disheveled. Had she-

Niall stopped himself before he thought it. Despite everything in his body telling him to turn around and go home, he couldn't. He was still far too concerned with her knowing about the incident at the brothel.

He pulled into her driveway, killed the engine and was knocking on her door within minutes. Maisie opened the door immediately, throwing herself into his arms before he had a chance to say anything.

Niall's eyes widened in shock and then closed. Well, at least it was safe to say she hadn't seen anything.

She shook against him,

"I'm so glad you're here." She pulled away, her eyes searching his. There was a franticness to her movements, "How do you always know when I need you?"

Niall stared back at her. He had no answer. Truth was, it was him who needed her at the moment. But now that he was quite sure she hadn't seen any incriminating videos, all he could think about was Steven leaving her house.

She released him from her grasp and pulled him into the house,

"How was your session today? Did you get some more recording done? When can I hear it?"


She shut the door once he was inside and locked it. Niall glanced around at the forest of flowers he'd just walked into,

"Jared called today. There's a new head of the label I guess. Jason Flom? I've never heard of him. Do you know who he is?" She asked as she pulled him towards her bedroom.

Niall nodded, trying to slow her down but making no headway,

"Yeah. He used to be head of - Maze..." Niall said, pulling her gently to turn and look at him, "Steven." He said, "He was just leavin' your house."

Maisie nodded, gesturing to the room behind him,

"He did all of that. Ridiculous. I've never been someone who liked flowers. All they do is remind me of-" She stopped abruptly, "Anyway, Jared said Jason wants to hear the music ASAP."

Niall shook his head,

"Maze," He started, "What was he doin' here?"

Niall knew he had no right to ask. He and Maisie were - He didn't even know what they were. And Steven was her boyfriend. But every jealous bone in his body was on high alert.

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