Chapter 26

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Maisie couldn't find her phone. The last time she saw it was when she'd texted Niall to tell him she'd meet him at the hospital at ten and then she'd set it down somewhere. It wasn't shocking she couldn't find it, her desk was a mountain of papers and Post-It notes at the moment. Janina walked into her office in a bit of a panic,

"Hey, we're late."
"I know. I can't find my stupid phone."

Janina grabbed her own phone and tapped Maisie's number,

"Listen for the ring."
"I think it's on si-" Just then her phone made a faint noise in the front pocket of her purse.

Maisie shook her head as she grabbed her bag and then her phone,

"I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached."

Janina side-eyed Maisie as they rode the elevator down to the parking garage.

"What?" Maisie asked as she scrolled through her email.

"You ok?"

"I'm fine." Maisie said, her voice rising an octave tipping off Janina that she absolutely wasn't fine. Maisie sighed and shoved her phone back into her purse, keenly aware that Janina was still staring at her. She pushed her hair off her forehead, "I'm fine." She repeated.

"He said he wanted you there." Janina pointed out.

"I know he did."

"He specifically made mention of it. It wasn't an off the cuff remark. He said he wanted you to handle it."

"I know."

"So don't be so nervous."

Maisie stepped off the elevator first, her heels tapping on the concrete as she made her way to her car with Janina trailing behind her,

"It's hard to explain."

Janina shoved her bag in Maisie's back seat and then opened the passenger side door. She slid into the seat and turned to look at Maisie sliding in next to her,

"Try me."

Maisie was just about to reach forward and turn the key when she stopped. She turned to look at Janina,

"Remember Elisa Ross?"

Janina pulled her eyebrows together,

"The annoying chick from high school?"

"What about her?"

"I turn into her when I'm around Niall. I talk about stupid shit. I can't shut up no matter how hard I try. I actually discussed some stupid lawsuit with the Cheesecake Factory and Supernatural with him the other day."

"Supernatural? The TV show?"
Maisie didn't answer, just shook her head as she dropped her eyes to her lap,

"I feel like I'm annoying him. Even though he doesn't say that."

Janina watched Maisie for a bit before she lifted her hand to her shoulder,


Maisie looked up,

"I just...I know I fucked up and I know I have a lot to make up for and I feel weird because we should probably sit down and talk about it but I don't know how to do that without upsetting things between us again."

"Maybe just schedule a night where the two of you can sit down and talk?"

"I feel like doing that would only make my anxiety worse. I just don't want to mess up again or say something that upsets him."

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