Chapter 8-Babysitting 5 Troublemakers

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Then suddenly,

Smack of frying pans filled your ears as you descend downstairs but only to see the kitchen's light is on.

You tiptoe towards the kitchen while bringing your phone just in case you need serious help.Passing by the kitchen table,you put down your phone and walk towards the fridge with a boy wearing a blue and white outfit messing inside of it.

"Cy-Cyclone?"you called.The said boy stood up as he swallowed the cookie in his mouth.He turn around to face you hoping that you won't scold at him.He gulped while you gasped.

"Cyclone!You should never have done that!Grandad's gonna be so angry when he sees the kitchen is a mess!"as he expected,you scolded at him.

He chuckles nervously,"I-I was just really hungry.B-but don't worry,we'll clean this up!Right?"

Your eyes twitched,"we.......'WE'?!"

"Yeah!"he exclaimed,"Don't you like cleaning?Thundy-monster told me that you love cleaning're gonna help me clean my mess!"

"Thunde-wai-wait!NO.PERIOD.NOTHIN' MORE NOTHIN' LESS"you pinched his right ear.

"OW!"he winced


"Hey!Are you gonna offend me or compliment me,huh?!"

"Oh just shut up and clean the mess you've made!"you let go his reddish pinched ears.

"Ugggghhh...fine"he rolled his eyes and touch his aching ear,"Right after I-ehy?"he paused for a minute looking at your phone with you and BoBoiBoy's picture in it.That's right,you and BoBoiBoy's picture as a wallpaper!

He thinks of a plan to get your phone and reveal on what more is in it.He smirks and glances at you while you showed him a confused face as you process on what he's up to something.

He turn back his glance to where your phone is and you followed where his eyes landed.You suddenly realized that he's up to your phone so you look at him as he look back at you.

" are sooo not gonna get my phone"you smirked

"Watch me"he turn his gaze again to your phone while tapping his foot to the ground.You watch and waited him to do something.

Suddenly,he took a step forward as you stretched your arm infront of his stomach to prevent him from getting your phone.You took the opportunity to run to your phone but Cyclone pulled your hair.

"OW!CYCLONE!!!!YOU'RE SO GONNA GET IT!!!"you cursed as he took your phone and ran upstairs.

"WOOP!WOOP!!"he cheered while jumping and putting his hands up in the air.You grunted so you chased him upstairs and pulling the collar of his shirt sending him to stumble downstairs.

Luckily,you dodged his fall.You don't know what to do so you just watch him with sympathy as he roll downstairs.

You gasped,"Cyclohohone....."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"HOOOAAAAHHHH....."you yawned while stitching the giant bear BoBoiBoy won for you.Although it's already 1:00 in the morning,you keep on convincing yourself to stay awake.

Meanwhile,BoBoiBoy wakes up to get ready for school.He dashes downstairs but only to see you awake.

"Hi Y/N!"he chirped,"Wow,you're already up in an early morning"

All I Need Is You (yes!you Reader!)-A BoBoiBoy x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now