Chapter 17-Is He To Be Blamed

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Locker closed in weariness by one and only...

"(Y/N),are you alright?"BoBoiBoy's soothing tone somehow decreased the tension filling in your eyes in which the boy caught.

He adds,"You seem...a little off."

You face to face his direction and lend him a calm smile stretching on your lips,"I'm fine...Just being a writer and substitute director drained my energy..."

"Well,wanna grab some juice to lighten up the heaviness on your shoulder?"he offered.

"Yeah,that'll be great..."


Two pairs of heels made friction on the surface of the granite floor.Students' filled the hallways with their noise as a sign of their recess.Which is actually starting to irritate you for the repeatitive schedule.What can you do?Without 'recess',students can no longer handle tensions on their shoulders every given subject task.

During the journey you had with your friend to the cafeteria,plasters a tingling pain on your digestive system.

And you can no longer ponder deeply for the reason 'why?'.

While the motion of both pairs of feet are still on motion,you grab the chance to catch a glimpse of his condition.

Moving sideways,you scanned a perfectly typical joyful aura which is obviously normal.Although,as far as you can tell,his atmosphere is somehow too different from all his previous smiles.Luckily,he didn't notice your sudden motion.

Flashing the truth to your mind,sickens the gastric juice on your stomach.It seems like fate has its own symbolic meaning in which every moments give questions and you oddly have the answer.

Thus the satisfaction was granted,your head bend down to look at the floor you're stepping.This just gives you enough time to organize the events that had happened.

No one can blame time movement.On how it moves.How it infinitely annoys us.It just simply shows us that a single move is also a fault of someone new.Or a fault of his/her own making.Liah and BoBoiBoy are now together as bestfriends with you suffering on the state of just a 'friend' for the lad.It was a tough call for Tok Aba on how Liah acts 'inconsiderately' with other people.The man afraids for his grandson to be with someone he thinks to be a 'bad influence' and for how he judge 'Mckenzie' as a Filipino surname.Its not being too judgemental,but as a loving grandpa for his grandson,its not just about how good is he teaching goodness,experience with others can still change a youngling's mindset.

However,he doesn't even confront about it infront the boy.Tok Aba knows his grandson is smart.He only restates that if ever he's lost,the young lad's experience will teach him for good.

You giggled.Not because of his stupidity at the moment he realize,but because Tok Aba's heedfulness about his grandson ironically teaches him through the boy's own action.

Your small snap of mind called your friend's attention as he looks at you.

"What's so funny?"he innocently asked.

His voice triggered your thinking as you look back at him with an innocent smile,"Oh,nothing..."

You quickly gestured a nothing-to-worry-about with your one hand by swaying it infront of your face once.

"Just remembered somethin'..",you reassured for him to buy it.

"Nerd..."he grinned and elbows you.

All I Need Is You (yes!you Reader!)-A BoBoiBoy x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now