Chapter 18-Cheese in the Trap

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A voice coming from an earpiece signalled the team leader to start their operation.

A woman in a black suit with strict eyes behind her sunglass poises her confidence.For the received message she got,the lady showed impassiveness towards her mission.

She calls her other two groups on a diffirent vehicle to start each of their assigned tasks.She knows they only got one chance to complete what was entrusted by the head.And certainly,they will face sorrow and despair if ever they bring the task on a negative status.However,that's far beyond her limit.

She watches the swift motion of scenery outside before giving a sigh.She gives a nod to the driver as it formally nods back and gives the car a boost.

In spite of that,the lady had the urge to study the given picture one last time.

She gradually grabs something in her pocket and grins at what her eyes captured.

It was an image of a young girl at her middle school age,with wide strectched lips that shows a soothing smile for whoever can see it.

Additionally,it shows her academic performances as a success for winning.With a shining medal to prove it,her eyes can really define happiness.

The woman eventually speaks,"You look exactly just like your grandmother..."

On the other hand,a shadow playing with an object on its hand making it go up and down,joyfully wanders around the streets.

Few streetlights with the darkness of night makes the whole figure to be ambiguous to puzzle.

The shadow's day seems to be a delightful night too.Everything turns out to be easier than expected.It'll be over soon but it still doesn't have any plans for vacation.

Eventually,the figure ceases its motion in the middle of a grassy field in the park.

It slowly bends down and hids the object it once hold into the soil.

The figure gradually fixes the soil and regains its posture as if nothing happened.

The radiance of the full moon above perfectly captures the location of the park as the figure slowly becomes clear.

It stops for a moment and took a glimpse shot of where it hid the object as it grins

"You did an outstanding job...",it utter itself


"If c=√a²+b² then b is equals"Zaira tries to bear in her mind the formula until a thought popped,stopping her review.

Each student in the classroom,stressfully rubs their eyes on their notes for another pop quiz has been introduced.Gopal was not doing well with the task with the others following.So as a result,every pupil can hear their fellow 'quiztakers' their mumbles from incessantly repeating possible signposts.

"Wait..."she shockingly grasps her seatmate on the arm,"Where in the friggin' milky way is (Y/N)?"

Fang stressfully slides his fingers through his hair before moving his attention to the girl,"I don't know?Go ask BoBoiBoy..."

The lady was disappointed by her friend's answer as she eyes her notes.However,something went on her mind once more as she swiftly grasps the arm of her seatmate.

All I Need Is You (yes!you Reader!)-A BoBoiBoy x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now