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Thank you for the lovely support on the previous chapter! I just wanted to mention the lovely cover that I attached as a picture that was made by @radsible :) Thank you, girl.

Turning the little black notebook in my hand, I carefully look over the hardcover back and forth to see if there's a name anywhere that could tell me who's the owner, but there's no such luck.

I place the notebook on the floor next to my bed, crossing my legs one over the other so I'm comfortable. There are a few moments where I just keep staring at it, trying to remember all the details of the outside appearance, but there's nothing special about it to begin with.

Just an ordinary, little black notebook.

From the looks of it, it's been quite used. The corners of the poor thing were almost torn up.

Just as I was about to take a look inside, my phone started vibrating vigorously, making me jump in surprise. "Hello?"

"Whattuuuup best friend?" I hear Jenna's chirpy voice over the line. "I was just passing your house and thought, maybe you want to go out on a nice cup of coffee?"

I take the notebook and swiftly put it in my school bag. "Sure, I'll be down in three."


"So you're telling me that there's this new guy in your class?" Jenna takes a quick sip of her cappuccino, her eyebrows raised in sheer surprise.

I nod in agreement, circling the outside of my coffee cup in thought.

"Well, that's weird... Don't you think they'd put some effort into introducing him? I mean that's the procedure with most new students.."

"I don't know..." I say, looking out of the coffee shop while rain trickled down its glass window.

But Jenna was right. If there was a new student, the student council would always make sure they have a proper tour around the school and introduce them to everyone else. At least that was the tradition, until now.

"Are you sure he's new though?" Jenna breaks my thoughts. "You know.. you tend to be a little, well, oblivious, to say the least.."

I scowl at her. "Ally told me so. Besides, I'm sure I've never seen him around before."

"Oh," Jenna rolls her eyes at the mention of Ally's name. "Well, I guess I'll just have to trust you on that one."


The spring weather finally started showing it's true colors. I would like to say that rain is my favorite part of it, but unfortunately, being wet from head to toe really isn't my thing.

I grumble under my breath as I approach the school grounds. I was completely wet, the uncomfortable sensation of my clothes sticking to my skin making me shiver.

With my backpack clutched tightly near my chest to protect my books and notes from getting wet just like me, I step inside the building, ignoring the curious glances that I was getting from the rest of the students around me.

Have they never seen a person that forgot an umbrella?

"Looking fine there hun." Ally says the moment I open my locker to empty my wet backpack. "With that lacy bra, you're gonna be the most talked about thing for the next few weeks."

I cover my chest instantly, turning around to face her with my back so she doesn't see my cheeks getting bright red from embarrassment. "Do you have a spare t-shirt?"

"Lucky for you, I'm the one who took up cheerleading as a hobby." She says with somewhat of a proud undertone in her voice.

"So, is that a yes or a no?" I urge her. "I really need to cover myself up and get this wet clothes off of me."

From the corner of my eye, I see her rummaging through her bag messily. "A-ha! Found it."

"Thanks," I say, quickly picking up the shirt from her hand.

"Uh-uh. You're so not changing in the middle of the hall. That's even worse than having your bra on full display!" She grabs my hand and slams my locker shut, leading me to the restroom.


Not long after I changed into something dry and comfortable, it rang for the start of the class.

Most of the teachers gave me bewildered looks, due to me not being in a uniform but fortunately, none of them asked anything - considering that it was practically rain storming the whole morning.

The weather though really got to me. I was sleepy throughout most of the classes, trying to focus on the work the best as I could, but the gloomy and gray palette of colors that surrounded me didn't help at all.

But there was one thing that kept me occupied, and that is the unknown boy in the classroom. I still didn't know his name (and I doubt anyone except the officials did), I barely saw his face yesterday since it was stuck in the little notebook, and now, it just motionlessly rested on the desk. All in all, he was a something new. Unexpected. A stranger.

However, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something about his posture seemed so out of place today. He looked so disinterested, bored, in other words - lonesome.

Why wasn't he writing, or whatever he was doing, in his little notebook? Did he not take it with him today? Did he forget about it?

When I think about it, his little notebook did seem a little familiar. Almost too familiar.

Picking through my memory, I clearly remembered his notebook was small, kind of beat up and black.

And then it dawned on me.

Maybe it was all my fault.

Little Black Notebook | Editing | ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora