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If you've come this far, I just wanted to let you know that I'm so grateful for your support!

*Make sure to check out the optional music to complete the chapter atmosphere*

You know that feeling, the one that occurs when you take a huge load off of your chest?

That's how I felt. Except the feeling faded very quickly, almost instantly, mixing in the pool of regret.

It was a few seconds of a serious stare down before I noticed his face changing colors. I precautiously took a few steps back.

"Y-you," His face color finally settled on something between ghostly pale and angry red. "What?!"

"I, uh," I clutched my bag close to my chest as a way of protection. "I found a little black notebook the other day."

He stood up, and that's the moment I realized just how tall he was. There must've been at least two meters between us, yet I still felt small compared to him.

"Where did you find it?" He questions, a little tremble in his voice that he masked with a cough.

"I almost fell over it in the hallway," I say. "So, it's yours after all?"

"Yes," He replies almost instantly, taking a few steps towards me. "Now give it back."

Taking a few steps backward to add a little distance, I snicker inwardly. 

The tables have turned. Who's playing a cat and who's playing a little mouse now?

"Why should I?"

He sighs in exasperation. "You were about to do it anyway, weren't you?"

"Correct. I was," I point out. Before you turned your a-hole card on me.

He grunts in what seemed to be utter disbelief. "You're so stubborn. It belongs to me. Just give it back."

"Hmmm..." I stop for a second, "On one condition, maybe."

I see him halter for a moment, caught off guard.

Quickly looking around, I noticed that the cheerleading team was no longer practicing. Actually, the cheerleading team was nowhere to be seen. It must've been because of the clouds that clustered their way over the sky.

Those few moments that I wasn't paying attention were turned against me. In just a few seconds, he managed to close the gap between us without me noticing.

In a complete surprise and rush, I scramble backward to escape.

Wrong move.

Realizing I'm one leg off the bleachers already, I scream, my arms reaching for balance desperately, but no luck. 

There were about three meters fall from where I was standing.

My mind screams for me to do something, but nothing could be done. From this point on, I was only going downward. 

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, facing the inevitable. 

This is the end. 

As if in slow motion, I stop to hear my surroundings. There was nothing. 

Nothing. Is it over already? Am I dead?      

Nothing except someone's hand wrapped around my waist.

I open my eyes slowly, unsure and quite frightened of what has happened.

Just a few centimeters away from my face, is him.  

His face was expressing utter shock, usually ice cold blue eyes widened. I noticed a little droplet of sweat running at the side of his forehead. His furrowed brows made a small crease just right above his nose. Skin glistening, wild hair framing his face, lost hairs touching my cheeks, warm breath fanning my face, stretched out palm grasping my waist... It felt just like the time has stopped. 

Suddenly, what felt like the longest moment of my life, ended. 

Pulling me to the safety of the bleachers, we both clumsily fell to the floor, one next to another. 

"What were you thinking?" he asks me. There was no anger in his voice, as if nothing happened previously, just pure concern and disbelief.

Looking to the sky, still clutching the bag and in pure shock, I answer. "I-I don't know."

At that moment, I felt something wet hit my forehead. Rain.

What started off as a few droplets, slowly ended in a full drench. 

Both of us stood up without a word, with a clear intention - to hide from the downpour. Even though I was completely drenched, I put my backpack over my head and walked over to his backpack,  getting on my tip toes to put it over his head.

"Thanks." He murmurs, accepting the gesture.

Turning around, I walk down and off the bleachers and start running, looking for cover and not looking back. 

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