8 + Note

57 11 21

Okay now, don't kill me! I was really busy these days and I simply could not update sooner D: 

However, y'all are very lucky that I've written this chapter in advance and just needed to make some final changes before publishing it ;) 

As I've already stated in the previous chapter, I'm busy due to my finals and everything, so I'll update very and I mean very irregularly. I'm so sorry for that.

Please like and comment/vent with me about the characters. You know I always reply back and like to blab about the people I write about heh.

P.S. When I finish my finals, I'll make sure to edit this story so there are no grammar errors and that the sentences flow better. I know that some parts sound like they could use a bit of polishing and that's because they do need polishing. So please bare with me. 

P.P.S. Thank you for all the support I've received. Whoever came this far, I'm bowing down.

*Make sure to check out the additionally attached audio to complete the chapter atmosphere*  

I walk through the doors of a building I was very familiar with. 

The lobby smelled like a foul perfume mixed with sweat, and I almost wished I could walk out of the doors I just entered.

"Hello Miss Kang!" The nurse greeted me with a casual smile. "Doctor Morgan is going to invite you in any moment now."

I nod and greet her back with a vague 'hi'. Sitting on one of the plastic chairs, I busy myself with a strap on my shirt, not wanting to make an eye contact with the rest of the people waiting.

The reason why? The fear of being judged that was stronger than me, that is the reason. It's hard to acknowledge the fact that I might see those people around the town... And it's not exactly a secret as to why people come here in the first place. 

A few minutes later, Doctor Morgan's pops out of his room, his bald head shining under the almost white light that was turned on in the lobby. Pulling out a sheet of paper, he called out a few names before I heard mine.

Standing up with my head kept low, I walk in the room I had the appointment in.


"So, Yuna," Doctor Morgan looks up from his notepad and pushes the round glasses that were positioned dangerously close to the edge of his nose so that he could see me better. "How have you been doing?"

I look at him for a few moments before scanning all of the vaguely familiar faces that I see in almost every group therapy. "I'm fine."

He hums while writing something down. "Bad fine, neutral fine or good fine?"

"Neutral." I say very crisply.

Dr. Morgan nods his head. "Alright! Has there been anything exciting happening in your life, from the last time we saw you?" He spoke in plural, meaning all of the people that attended the group.

I hesitated for a moment, while Yes, there were a few particularly interesting events hogged my mind tirelessly. Not really sure if I wanted to say anything, the wait ended up being a very long stretch of silence.

"It's perfectly fine if you don't want to tell us." Doctor says.

At that moment, a knock resonated throughout the room. Dr. Morgan closes his notepad and puts it in the pocket of his white suit. "Ah, excuse me for a moment." He stood up and approached the door, opening them widely. Since my place in the circle was facing the doors, I could see whoever was on the other side.

Naturally, I wouldn't care for anyone who wanted to speak to Dr. Morgan. It's usually a nurse or just a parent who was wondering when they were going to be able to pick up their child. But now, something quite interesting caught my eye.

A familiar head full of black, unruly hair stood out in the white sterile surroundings, and I immediately knew who it was.


I exhale deeply as I exit the meeting room.

"I'm glad to see you improving." Dr. Morgan says just loud enough for me to hear. "There's still a long way to go, but this is good. Very good." He pats my shoulder. "I hope to see you next week." Nodding, mostly to himself, he walks down the hallway and enters another room, and I was left standing all alone in the middle of the hallway.

Just as I exited through the main doors, I notice Dean sitting on a nearby bench, his arms propped up on the armrest. The bench was faced the other way, so he couldn't see me. My mom was about to pick me up at the entrance of the parking lot, which meant I had to walk across it and unfortunately that also included me being very visible to him.  

"This one is."

I look at the cherry blossom flower in Dean's palm.

"A cherry blossom flower?" I ask, staring at it.

It was just like every other Sakura flower. Simple, plain, yet captivating.

"Japanese used to compare it to short and beautiful life. Because a flower falls from the tree just a few days after it blossoms."

I smile at him sheepishly. "I'd never peg you as a person who knows so much about... this. "I wave my hands in direction of rows and rows of flowers that were sunbathing on the field. "Where did you even learn all of it?"

"My mother," he says while fiddling with the flower in his hand. "It's not a side I show often. Or ever."

There was definitely something mysterious about Dean that kept me drawn in. Something very well kept and unsaid in his aura that I couldn't understand.

"You sure know how to show up at every place I am."

I turn around and see Dean standing up from the bench, looking in my direction. But he didn't approach me. Keeping his distance, he stood about three to four meters away.

"I think it's the other way around," I say, crossing my arms over my chest. "What are you even doing here, flower boy?"

He chuckles lightly, his Adam's apple vibrating up and down slightly.

"Listen, my mom is gonna come soon so if you don't have anything else to add..." I have places to go, people to see, my subconscious added.

He looks at me comically. "You don't own a car?"

"No." I say flatly, somewhat offended at the way he directed the question to me.

"Cool, call your mom and tell her your friend is going to drive you home instead."

I take a step back, startled. "What?"

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