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By publishing this chapter, I decided to enter this story into The Wattys 2017. 

*Make sure to check out the optional audio to complete the chapter atmosphere*

I think that the rain somewhat interpreted my built up emotions at the time.

Shock and fear resonated through my body like a bad dream.   

When I was finally safe, I sat down and slouched my shoulders, trying to catch my breath.

"Dean." I hear the same deep voice next to me. I look up to see him sit next to me, his body mimicking mine, except he put his backpack in between his legs. "My name is Dean."

I stare at him blankly for a few moments. It was weird that I finally had a name to attach to his presence. Weird but oddly satisfying. 

"I'm confused." I blurt out, not really knowing how to handle the situation.

"That's a very... Odd name."

"That's not my name," I give him an annoyed look. "My name is Yuna."

"Listen," Dean starts, "I think we started off on a wrong f-" he stops. "Wait, are you crying?" 

I didn't even notice the tear that trickled down my cheek until he addressed it.

"I-," I quickly wipe it away with the sleeve of my uniform. "No."

"Your knee." He points out.

I notice a red blood patch on my leg. 

"The wound's not that big," I say, brushing it off. "I'll just bandage it up at home."

He zips open one of the side pockets on his backpack. Rummaging through it for a few moments, he hands me a pair of plasters.

I look at him in disbelief for a moment but still take them. 

"Why are you so nice to me all of the sudden?" I ask and look at straight into his eyes, searching for answers. But he didn't answer straight away.

There were a few moments of silence where we just looked at each other until I broke the eye contact, determined to take care of my knee just to ease the tension that was clinging in the air.

I fiddled with the sticker on the plaster when I noticed him slowly walking over to the edge of the shelter so that the end of his shoes were getting soaked in the rain.

His backs turned to me, Dean sighed as he looked into the distance.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"I don't know if I should be grateful that you found it or worried." 

"The notebook?"

"Yes." He finally turned around, his intense, unsure gaze settling on me and his eyes piercing through me like a pair of blazing lasers.

Surprised, I stare at him for a moment before recollecting myself. This was my chance.

"In return for your little notebook, I want to learn something about you."

He looks at me skeptically, like I just grew two heads. "You mean, get to know me?"

I nod.

Blinking once, twice, he sighs in exasperation. "Well if that means I'll get my notebook back..."

I extend my hand, reaching out for an affirmative handshake. 

He eyes me. "But you have to promise me one thing."


"You won't open it." He says, and there was just something about the way he said it that gave off a hint of vulnerability.

"I promise." I give him a small smile as a sign of assurance. 

His large, warm hand enveloped mine. "Then let's just get over with this."

Not even a moment later, someone shouts my name and I turn around to see Ally standing in the rain, covered by an umbrella. 

She gives me a wave, showing me to come over. 

Picking up my bag, I wave back at her. 

"Well, I should go," I say, switching uncomfortably from one leg to another.

He nods before picking up his own backpack. "That makes the two of us."

I watch him as he steps out on the rain and walks out of the fenced entrance before disappearing from my sight in a tight fog of rain.

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