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New cover everyone, do you like it?? Because I do ;) 

The picture that I added is a beautiful cover made by purplepenguinn. Thank you <3

And guys, can you believe it?! LBN is #998 in Short Story! Thank you all so much for this amazing support, because without you, that wouldn't be possible! Because of this, you also get a slightly longer chapter and earlier at that, too.

Don't forget to vote and comment :D

*Make sure to check the optional attached audio to complete the chapter atmosphere*

Dramatically dropping the book I was reading on the floor, I throw myself on the bed.

I was physically and emotionally drained, and after almost two sleepless nights, all I wanted to do was lay down and fall asleep. 

I sit up after what felt like hours of just blankly staring at the ceiling.

"For Goodness sake," I slap myself on the cheek lightly. "You can fall asleep in the middle of the day and miss half of your classes but you can't fall asleep when you're supposed to?"

Opening the window, a dash of fresh air enters the room. The night is clear and there are no clouds sheltering the stars that are spread out on the sky.

Propping myself up on the window sill, I selfishly indulge in a feeling that was somewhat strange to me up to this point.

"Wait," He says before I close the doors. "There's something I need to tell you."

I look straight into his eyes, a pang of curiosity spreading through my body like wildfire.

"You're not alone." The sparkle of sincerity crosses his blue irises.

Because sometimes, the worst feeling is to be alone.  

"That's it," I say to myself and lightly hop off the bed, searching for a jacket. "I need to clear my head out."

In the process, I managed to stumble over my handbag that was left carelessly on the floor. The bag shuffles open, and out of the small side pocket slips out a small white paper note.

I curiously crouch down and take the little paper, turning it over. 

202 555 0113 -D.A.


Jenna frantically runs towards the beach, shouting my name.

Lifting my head up weakly, my hand shakes as I try to reach out further out of the freezing water, my fingers grazing the cold, sandy surface. 

I couldn't breathe, patches of water getting stuck in my throat and lungs preventing me from taking air, let alone making a sound.

The shouting continues and intensifies, making me feel dizzy. At this point, I couldn't feel my legs anymore. 

The swing creaks as I sit on it, clad in my over-sized clothes. 

I push myself away with my feet just a little bit so the swing comes to life.

I don't know what I was doing here, two streets down, in the local park near the seaside, at three in the morning. I was sure it would help me clean my thoughts, but now that I'm here, the same thoughts evaporated along with my hopes to get rid of them completely.

The sounds of waves crashing in the distance fill up my senses as I blankly stare into the distance. The air is crisp, almost cold.

"You called," A voice interrupts the calm murmuring of the night.

I stop the swing in one swift motion and turn around to see Dean approaching the other one.

"Yes. But I didn't know you'd answer. Especially not at this time."

"I'm an insomniac," He shrugs like it's a no big deal, a small puff of air forming as he breaths out. "I was taking a walk and the next thing I know, my phone rings. Why are you awake at this time?"

"You're an insomniac," I say, noticing prominent eye bags under his eyes for the first time. "And I guess I'm turning into one."

He looks at me in disbelief. "I wouldn't want that to happen to my worst enemy."

The silence enveloped us quickly, neither one of us wanting to break it.

"Help!" Jenna shouts out into the blind night, shaking me violently so I could stay awake. "Someone help!"

Eyes half open, I couldn't see her in pitch dark.  Lungs nearly collapsing, I couldn't say anything. The only thing I did was clutch as hard as I can onto her, even though I couldn't feel the material of her clothes underneath my fingers at all.

I grunt in frustration, one hand clutching onto the chains of the swing and the other tracing shapes on my leg.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He says softer than usual, making me halt.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"I don't know if I should be grateful that you found it or worried."

"The notebook?"

"Yes." He finally turned around, his intense, unsure gaze settling on me and his eyes piercing through me like a pair of blazing lasers.

"Funny," I say, reminiscing. "That's the exact same thing I asked you the other day."

I look up to see him deep in thought, clearly trying to bring back the memory.

"You're quite a guy, you know."

He gives me a questioning look.

"You come out of nowhere and make everyone question who the hell you are, but you give no answers."

"Not entirely correct," He says, swaying lightly on his swing. "I gave you the answers."

"You wouldn't if you weren't forced to." I point out. 

He inhales sharply, as if he was to object. "But I don't owe anyone else, except you, an explanation."

"Does that little notebook really means so much to you?"

"It holds a lot of valuable... things to me." I look at the pained expression on his face.

I put my hand in my pocket, and pull out something out of it.

"Here," I say, outstretching my hand that held his belonging. "Now you don't owe me anything."

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