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To make up for procrastinating and a short previous chapter, I made sure this one is a little bit longer c;

*Make sure to check out optional audio to complete the chapter atmosphere*

"So what you're telling me is that you ended up making friends with him?" Jenna says in an awfully high pitched voice that boomed from the kitchen behind me.

"Not exactly." I hum while cuddling with my fuzzy blanket on a couch. "We're just not strangers anymore."

Jenna raises an eyebrow. "You mean you're like, acquaintances?" She sits next to me, handing me a warm cup of tea.

I nod. "Thanks."

"Anything for you boo." She smiles jokingly at me, placing her legs on top of the coffee table.

I slap her on the thigh playfully. "Legs off of the table." 

"Or what? Mrs. Kang is going to make me eat my food with metal chopsticks again?"

"Probably," I say and sip my tea.

She pouts but obliges anyway, dropping her feet off the table.

"You're lucky you didn't end up with pneumonia or something." She adds, "I'm glad that for once, Ally came in handy."

I look at Jenna with raised eyebrows.

"Hey! I don't like sharing you with anyone," She says, giving me a funny look. "And you know that."

I laugh and roll my eyes. "Find a movie please."

She takes the remote and turns on the tv. "Did you tell Ally you're not going to join the cheerleading team?"

I almost cringe at the memory. "Yeah. She was disappointed, to say the least."


Later that evening, I walked into my bedroom to grab my phone that was charging on the nightstand. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the little black notebook laying in the middle of my work desk.

I slowly walk towards it as if I was drawn by some dark force. 

Turning on the desk lamp, I curiously gazed at the little black notebook for a few moments, contemplating whether or not to take a peek.

Curiosity killed the cat. My brain echoed while I took the small notebook in my hands, just like I did the first time a few days ago.

But I'm not a cat. I retort back, feeling the damp hardcover in my hands.

No, you're an idiot.

Just then, a flashback runs through my mind.

He eyes me. "But you have to promise me one thing."


"You won't open it." He says, and there was just something about the way he said it that gave off a hint of vulnerability.

"I promise." I give him a small smile as a sign of assurance. 

And as if it was cursed, I drop the notebook. It falls from my hands and ends up hitting the floor with a loud thud.

I hear muffling from the living room. 

"Everything okay there?" Jenna asks.

I pick up the notebook from the floor and quickly put it in one of the drawers of the desk. "Yeah, I'll be back any second!"


I didn't sleep much. Partially because of everything that happened, mostly because I wasn't sure how to feel about it.

"Wow, you look like shit." Jenna exclaims when I walk over to her during lunch break.

I place my food tray on the table and sit across her and scowl. "Thanks, friend."

She puts her hands in the air. "Just being honest girl."

I sigh while picking on my fruit salad. I really wasn't in the mood for eating.

"Have you seen Ally?" I ponder out loud. 

She ran out of the classroom as soon as it rang, and my tired self couldn't keep up with her.

"Do I look like someone who cares for her whereabouts?" Jenna looks at me for a long time before exhaling longingly. "Look, I wish I could be with you longer, but I have to be on the other side of the building in two minutes." She checks her wristwatch and gives me an apologizing look. Standing up, she pats my shoulder. "Enjoy your loose schedule, you lucky bastard."

And she was gone.

I push the tray away from me and lean against the edge of the chair. The chatter that surrounded me made a perfect lullaby, rocking me to sleep. 


I felt a few quick taps on my head. And another one. And another one.

Eyes closed and pretending I was asleep, I grumble under my breath. "Stop it, Jenna."

"It's not Jenna." Familiar voice echoes over my head. "And you're drooling over my shoulder."

I shoot up straight and open my eyes, which made me lightheaded. Wincing, I embrace my forehead.

"How long have you been here?"

"Long enough." He says.

Looking around, I realize the dining room was completely empty. 

It took me moment before I fixed my glasses to see what time it is. Turns out that instead of just quickly shutting an eye, I slept through four of my classes. Four. It was 1:08 pm, which meant I've got only one class left. A class that was starting in two minutes.  

I shoot up on my feet and start picking my stuff off the ground frantically. "You've got to be kidding me." I hiss, trying to balance a batch of notes in one hand and some books in the other. "You've got to be freakin' kidding me!"

Dean takes the pile of books from my hand wordlessly and puts them under his armpit. He looks at the book on top of the pile. "You have Botany?"

I nod. "In the left wing."

Pushing open the main dining room exit that leads to the big hall, a blow of fresh air hits me right in the face, and my hair ends up flying everywhere, getting stuck in my glasses and face.

Walking down the hallway with Dean trailing behind, I tried to remove the loose strands away. However, it just wouldn't listen and after awhile, I gave up trying to fix it.

Suddenly, Dean catches my wrist from behind, his large hand enveloping and spreading it's warmth momentarily through my whole hand. 

Pulling me around so I almost crashed into his chest, he tugs on my hand and leads me in the direction opposite of the direction we were supposed to go in.

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