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This Chapter is dedicated to my little sister who's constantly putting up with my silly gibberish about random ideas for this book.

*Make sure to check out the attached audio to complete the chapter atmosphere* 

I have been trying to return the notebook subtly for the past few days, but I have also been failing miserably so far.

I've tried almost everything. Putting it under the desk before he comes, fitting it through the rails on the locker, throwing it under his feet while he's walking, putting it in front of the main doors before he goes out... All of them had failed. He always managed to show up before I did in class, the rails of the locker aren't wide enough for the notebook to fit in and throwing it under his feet turned out to be really stupid because the guy is so oblivious to everything around him.

I was left with the riskiest idea of them all - follow him around and when I see a chance, put it in a pocket of his backpack that was half open most of the time.

Cut to this moment after the classes have ended, while I'm trying to act as his shadow around the school. Good thing is that the weather has cleared out a bit and the sun is up today, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to follow him at all. 

So far so good, although the guy really has some weird patterns. I've been everywhere from hiding behind a sofa in lounging room to a tree in the garden. 

I peek out from behind the tree to see him picking up his backpack and leaving in the direction of the open playground. Grunting, I clutch my bag to my chest while quickly poking out of my hiding spot.

Can't this guy just find a spot and sit for a while?

As I predicted, he headed to the open field where the cheerleaders were practicing for the annual cross game.

The sounds of girls on the cheerleading team resonated through the air. Laughing, squealing, giggling, yelling could all be heard in various tones. How some people can be that loud is still beyond me to this day.  

While he sat on the nearby bleachers, I quickly situated myself somewhere where neither he nor the cheerleaders would notice me.

And that something was, unfortunately, a trash can.

I poke my head just as I did minutes ago behind the tree, checking the surroundings for a familiar mop of black hair, to find him firmly seated at the end of the left side of the bleachers, leaning against the railing. He was scrolling on his phone, his thumb swiping the screen in blinding speed.

I snort to myself. What's the point of changing places if you're gonna do the same thing over and over again?

Not even seconds after I was back into hiding, I hear a familiar voice shouting in my direction. "Yunaaaa!"

A knot formed in my stomach. Great. I completely forgot Ally was a part of the cheerleading team. Of course she was going to be there.

Slowly standing up to show myself, I saw Ally standing few meters away, giving me a questioning look. "What in the world are you doing behind a trash can?"

I gulp nervously, my heart threatening to jump out of my chest. 

"Gosh, you're hopeless." She rolls her eyes. "If you wanted to join the cheerleading team, you should've just said so!"

I internally sigh in relief and open my mouth to retort, but she cuts me off by taking my hand and leading me to the bleachers.

"Now, sit here and watch us practice. If you like it, I can pull a few strings."

"Yeah, I don-"

"Don't worry," She winks suggestively, looking at the left side of the bleachers, then back to me "You've got company."

Yeah, company indeed.


I was ready for my cover to be blown. I really was. But luckily for me, the guy is the epitome of oblivious. 

Or at least that was what I thought.

Using the opportunity, I quietly sat down one row behind him, trying not to make much noise.

Occupying myself with news feed on my Facebook profile, I tried to ease the tense aura that I must've been giving out the whole time, before I actually tried to return him his belonging.

Was it his?

"So, what is it exactly that you want from me?" A deep voice startles me and I almost jump out of my seat.

My eyes find the owner of the voice. Messy jet black hair, almond shaped eyes that were the brightest blue color I've ever seen in my entire life, button-shaped nose, full lips that quirked upward at the ends - everything on him from head to toe gave off some kind of regal. Nothing was out of place.

Of course.

"Do I have to repeat myself?"

"Excuse me?" I finally gather enough courage.

"Do you think I'm an idiot or something?" He questions, a sense of anger in his voice, yet his voice didn't raise at all. "First you follow me around all day and then you sit behind me thinking that I wouldn't notice?"

Well, I'll be damned. I guess my cover was blown after all.

"Actually I-"

"Cut the crap. If you're one of those noisy little bitches that are going to stalk me and pester me all the time, why don't you just do yourself a favor and go hang out with your stupid cheerleader friend?"

I clenched the phone in my hand in anger so hard that for a moment I thought it would break in half. What was this guys problem?

I stand up and jump in his row, something he didn't expect me to do. However, he nonchalantly sat still in his seat. "Listen up, jerk." I point my finger to his chest. "I tried to be nice, but you're seriously pissing me off right now."

"I could say the same thing." He says, looking me in the eyes and not even flinching at my sudden gesture.

If he was doing this calm act to rile me up, he sure did succeed.

"I might be a noisy little bitch, and yes I might've stalked you, but no one insults my friends."

He chuckles, his white teeth shining under the sunlight. "Friends? As in plural?"

At this point, I really have had enough with the unnecessary insults. 

"I was following you for a reason!" I yell in frustration. 

He catches my flailing hand that almost hit him in the face. Besides that, there was no reaction at all. He looked bored, almost. "Yeah, that's what they all say."

Anger washed over me, giving me a big adrenaline rush.

"Oh yeah, and how many have had the privilege to say that they have your precious little black notebook?"

Little Black Notebook | Editing | ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant