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I'm sorry about this really random update... But I was really excited to share this chapter with y'all :DDDD

Anywho, I hope you enjoy this. And also forgive me if I don't update frequently 'til next week because I have my finals and well... Nothing else can or has to be said :c I'm doomed.

*Make sure to check out the optional attached audio that completes the atmosphere*

I try to tug my wrist out of his hand, but his grip was too strong. 

"Hey!" I yell, "What are you doing?! The Botany class is in the other direction!"

"I know." He says, tugging me behind like I'm some kind of a pet. 

"Where are you taking me?" 

 Panic spread throughout my body like fire. Am I able to trust this guy? I barely knew him.   

"That is for me to know," he turns left towards the exit, "And for you to soon find out."

Walking out of the building, the sun flashed brightly, causing me to flinch and squint my eyes. It was an oddly sunny day today and for once, there was finally no sign of rain. 

Turning and pulling me to the right, Dean checked over his shoulder, as if to make sure I was still there. But the whole time, we walked in somewhat tense silence. 

After we exited the school grounds, made a couple of turns, and walked for what felt like ages, the smell of fresh, damp grass mixed with strong flower fragrance filled my nostrils, and I instantly knew where we were.

"Botanical Garden?" I voice out.

We stop in front of large wooden framed gates, side to side. Pushing them open, he hovers over the doors. "Are you coming in or not?"

The moment I stepped inside, I couldn't shake off the feeling of littleness. Maybe it was the huge branches of various trees and gigantic leaves that managed to survive from prehistoric times or just simply the size of the whole garden. Either way, I was left in awe. 

I've been in towns Botanical Garden hundreds of times, yet every time I come back, it feels different, just like I'm entering for the first time.

Without a word, Dean steps beside me, takes a look around and continues walking, opting for one of many winding paths that branched out from the main entrance.

"What are we doing here?" I question, finally catching up with him.

His gaze wanders towards me for a moment. "You'll see."

I curiously absorbed everything around me. Different types of plants were surrounding us with each step. My senses were completely overwhelmed by a number of colors, shapes, and smells. 

A minute or so took us until we reached a halt. In front of us was a big opening, filled with precise cut, greenest grass I've ever seen. The smell of it was intense and there was a clear odor of fresh humidity. The path that lead us to there slowly disappeared, leaving space for various types of brightly colored flowers that vibrantly greeted our existence. 

But what caught my breath was something centered in the middle of it all - the most beautiful cherry blossom tree. 

There was only one time I've seen a cherry tree in a full blossom, and that was when I was very little. The occasion was very rare here and sometimes during spring, the cherry wouldn't blossom at all because of the bad weather conditions.

"It's beautiful," I say, leaving Dean behind and walking towards it with my books clutched in my hands.

Just when I was under the treetop, I realised how big it was. Thousands of small pastel pink flowers embed the branches, some of them falling slowly as a light breeze caressed the area. The trunk of the tree wasn't big nor particularly wide, but I noticed a small hollow in the middle of it, somewhere at the height of my collarbones.

Feeling a strong presence, I notice Dean standing right behind me, his eyes focused on the calm swaying of the branches.

"How did you find out about this place?"

His eyes turn to me. "On my first day when I moved here, I found it by accident." He puts my books and his backpack down and sits down at the bottom of the trunk. "It kind of became a place of solitude for me since then."

I join him by sitting down and crossing my legs.

Silence embraced us as we watched the bright blue sky above us, all while birds were chirping, creating melodies that calmed our mind.

I turn my head towards Dean and noticed he was leaning on both of his arms for support. His eyes were closed and he held his head high, embracing the pureness around him.

Suddenly, as if he felt I was observing him, he opens his eyes and looks into the distance. "You wanted to know why I brought you here, right?"

Looking straight into his eyes, I nod. There was this almost obscure sparkle in his eye for a moment, before he looked at me. 

"You would never make it to Botany class. But I can teach you some things." He says.

"You?" I blurt, surprised.

He gives me a slightly aggravated look. "See that flower over there?" He points at a bright pink flower. "That's an Azalea."

I look at the flower that was clearly standing out in the middle of all plants that were white.

"They symbolize passion and are Chinese symbol of womanhood and fragility. When someone gifts you an Azalea, it's as if they're telling you: Take a good care of yourself for me."

"You see the one next to it? That's Jasmine." He moves his finger a little bit to the left in the direction of a small bush with white flowers. 

"Like the princess..." I say.

"Yes. Its name comes from a Persian word 'yasmin' which means a gift from God."

"What about this one?" I point to the white flower nearby. "It's very pretty."

He looks at the flower I pointed at. "White Gardenia... It represents elegance, beauty, and secret love."

There were a few moments before I soaked in all the information he told me. 

"Do you have a favorite flower?" I ask, leaning against the tree.

"Out of these? None." 

He looks at me and then at something above my head. Suddenly, he reaches out and pulls out a flower I didn't even notice was stuck in my hair.

"This one is." 

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