CH. 3

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Jungkook came out to the living room just when the doorbell rings.

He strolled over to the door monitor and his facial expression dropped dramatically when he sees who the person was.

He let out a heavy sighed before opening the door to reveal his mother.

MRS. JEON: "How are you doing?"

JUNGKOOK: "I haven't died yet."

He turned and walked back to the living room.

His mother followed him in.

MRS. JEON: "Tell me, who are the ones that hurt you?"

JUNGKOOK: "And if I tell who they were, are you going to kill them for me?"

He turned around and met his mother in the eyes.

MRS. JEON: "You know I'll do anything for you."

JUNGKOOK: "Then can you please stay away from me?"

His mother facial expression softens at her son's words.

JUNGKOOK: "You already know it by heart the reason why they are chasing me down. If you still want me alive, please let me do things my own way. I'm not a 3 years old kid anymore who'll need you to guide me around."

The muscle on her jaw tensed up but then she exhaled.

MRS. JEON: "Alright. But I am still your mother, I'll always worry about you no matter how old you are. You have been through a lot... I'll let you rest."

JUNGKOOK: "Thanks mom."

MRS. JEON: "If you need anything, give Lumin a call. I'll tell him that you are back. And also, tomorrow Grandpa want to have a meeting with you. Make sure you make it."

He nodded at his mother and she walked back out the way she came from.

When his mother was out of his sight, he then groaned and held his lower waist in pain.

He dropped his body onto the sofa and closed his eyes.


Waiting for the bus to arrive, this is the first time that Hyebin feel like she was forced to wake up and go to work.

Throughout all her pass work life, she always had been enthusiastic about going to work and learning new things and had never once felt like this before.

Godly! She was so tired to the point that she had to get herself two cups of coffee.

Now she knows how it feels like to have a boss who is a total jerk!

While she was waiting, a black car with tinted windows drove over and parked right in front of her.

She blinked her eyes and looked around her but noticed that she's the only one who was standing at the bus stop. So, what the hell is this dude doing here?

She stared blankly as the tinted window scrolled down and revealed Yoongi's face at the driver's seat.

Her eyes widen and she took a step back in surprise.

YOONGI: "Get in."

HYEBIN: "Where are you taking me to kill this time?"

YOONGI: "If you want to know, get in."


She strongly resisted and looked away.

YOONGI: "I thought you said that you can handle anything. Why are you not living up to your words? Are you scare already?"

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