CH. 5

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It was a quiet afternoon and Hyebin was sitting at her desk when the phone on her desk ring.

The phone extension was from Yoongi, which she picked it up as soon as she can.

HYEBIN: "Yes, President?"

YOONGI: "Come into my office."

The door to Yoongi's office opened and Hyebin strolled over to where Yoongi was sitting at his desk.

HYEBIN: "Yes?"

Yoongi handed her a blinder and she grabbed it.

YOONGI: "I need you to book a flight to the location in the blinder. All the people that'll be going are listed in there and also all of their informations."

HYEBIN: "Okay."

YOONGI: "And one more thing..."

She stood there, waiting for his replying.

YOONGI: "I need you to go buy yourself a dress."

Her eyes widen in surprised.

HYEBIN: "I'm going too?"

YOONGI: "You're my secretary. Wherever I go, you'll be going too."

She nodded, half disheartened.

HYEBIN: "Okay... But, can I ask what kind of event is it?"


Jungkook held the invitation card in front of him. He was in his bedroom still shirtless after a shower with only a black sweat pants on.

LUMIN: "Mr. Min signed a business contract earlier this year with Mr. Chao, one of the top 3 billionaires in Hong Kong."

He told Jungkook as he was standing at the entrance of Jungkook's room after delivering the invitation card to Jungkook.

LUMIN: "They are opening a 5-star hotel next weekend and has invited hundreds of high class millionaires to the opening ceremony. That is the invitation that he had sent for you."

Jungkook continued to stare at the invitation card for another couple of seconds before he responds back to Lumin.

JUNGKOOK: "Send them my blessing and book me a flight to Japan."

LUMIN: "Yes sir."

Jungkook rolled his eyes away in annoyance and then dropped the invitation card into the trash bin.


"Mr. Min Yoongi, CEO of Min's Incorporated, has safely landed at Hong Kong International Airport."

"Mr. Chao had privately contact Mr. Min Yoongi earlier this year and they had agreed to sign a business contract together."

"The 5-star hotel has been built very secretively that no media has been alert. This weekend will be the opening ceremony of their new 5-star hotel that high-class millionaires are invited. Which includes..."

As the reporter started listing their names, Jungkook turned off the TV and dropped the remote control onto his bed, where his open suitcase was lying beside it.

As he was packing some clothes into his suitcase, he spotted his black T-shirt that Taeran had washed for him when he was injured at her house.

The pink heart that popped out from all the blackness, was nicely sewn at the lower end of the shirt.

Just by staring at the heart, he can picture her sitting in her room with that bright pure smile while sewing the heart onto the shirt.

He barely knows her, but why does he feel so attached to her?

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