Piper McClean

143 8 13

How come I can never find things when I need it?

I wondered to myself, ''Jason!" I yelled for my boyfriend, he was texting someone, I twenty bucks and a box of fruit loops its Leo.

''Jason!" I yelled again,
''I'm coming, I'm coming,''

Five minutes later he finally appears.
''Pipes..is this going to be a dry event?"
I gave him a look like, 'have you met me?'
Jason sighs, ''its not going to be a lot of people right?"
''Well, you, me, maybe Reyna, Leo, Hazel, Frank, some new guy named Will, he's bringing his friends.''
''So...what are we gonna do?''
''Depends how drunk we get." I winked, Jason looked as if he may faint.

'Dionysus speciality.'  I snort, what a name.
I decided to wait for the others to arrive to pull out the glasses.
There was the knock, ''its Leo,'' Jason stated,
I rolled my eyes, opened the door to see my Spanish Christmas friend. Along with a guy with shaggy blonde hair, and sky blue eyes, and two boys with black hair, one boy around a foot shorter than the other two.

''Come in,'' I grinned, ''let the funny begin,'' I let go a maniacal laugh, causing me to choke from a dry mouth. The blond guy and Leo laughed,  while the two black haired boys looked terrified.

''Piper,'' I said, ''that's Jason,'' I pointed to the blob of blonde hair on the couch.
''Where are Hazel and Frank?" I asked Leo,
''Didn't want to come.'' Leo shrugged

''I'm Will,'' waved Will, ''this is Nico, and Percy.''
''Hi'' Jason waved


I got everyone to sit on the couches, the new guys, Percy and Will and Nico seemed really awkward. It was clear why though, obviously Percy and Nico were a thing, but Will had crush on Nico, or the other way around.

Nico was sitting on Percy's lap, Percy had kinda a dorky sleepy smile. He looked drunk already and we hadn't even started yet. Nico's hand thumbed over Will's hand. Like you would to calm a small child. Will looked worried, like a person with anxiety like another minute in the room and he would be shot by a terrorist.

Will was a bit jumpy too. Something must to have happened to him. I hopped he had someone to help him through late nights. If not, I'd have to be it.

Jason sat on his favorite arm chair, Leo, sitting on him. I wondered how much longer it would be until Jason dumped me for Leo, because honestly, I ship them. I'm just curious if Jason's aware of his own crush.


''We are going to play, 'never have I ever.' We take a drink if we have done the thing the  person says.''

'Okay?" Nico replied Nico seemed the only confused. Nico must be the innocent one.

''I'll start with something simple,'' I said, filling everyone's cups. I cleared my throat. '
''Is this legal?" Nico asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jason laughed, and Leo grinned, ''man, you hang out with us more and you'll be doing this a bit more,''

''I thought you were a freshman???" Nico gaped.

''Not all of us are hermits, Nico.'' Percy said fake-scolding his boyfriend. Nico rolled his eyes.

''No harm no foul Di Angelo.'' Will laughed,

Jason straighted up, ''I don't want to do this either,-'' Jason began,

"You just wanna get wasted.'' Leo finished with a grin,

Jason turned red, but did not reply.

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