Will Solace

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Piper was a good friend. I could already tell.

We sat together on a couch, discussing a new music artist and their horrible-slutty lyrics to get my mind off the recent events. ''Like seriously-have you seen her music videos?"
"Yeah, they're so terrible. I've seen porn where the people wear more cloths than her" I said in disgust.
"and she was such a great singer and actor-" Piper started

"right!?" I said, glad someone understood me in this point. 

"more chips?" she smirked, 
I blushed a bit when I realized I'd inhaled at least 3 bags. "Y-yes please" Piper smiled "let me go grab some" she went off to get a big supply of junk food- I hope. 


Piper returned, in a new set of clothes faded ripped jeans and a grey crop top, and a pair of a pastel pink mismatched socks, her hair put up into a messy hair tie, with tight braid on the sides. If I wasn't gay, I probably would've had an anime-boy styled nose bleed. 

"You there Will?" 
"hm..what?" I looked back at Piper's naturally beautiful face. 
"I said, what movie do you wanna watch? we have tons." 
"do...do you have star wars?" I asked sheepishly, 
"of course" Piper said with a quiet snort. 
"Yay" I smiled, getting up "uh...do you have something to throw all ...this away?" I gestured to the littered couch and carpet, with various wrappers and tissues. It was a mess. And I made it. Therefore I would clean it. 

"Yeah, hold on" she smiled, coming back shortly with a garbage bag, she grabbed an old chips bag and put it in, and I grabbed several tissues, salty with my own tears.


I wasn't sure when we finished, but it became pretty late. We had made our way to the kitchen, Piper had been doing some smoothie challenge for her Youtube channel, (I got to be a special guest) but in the end, I accidentally sprayed her with whipped cream. then..everything was a sugary blur. A war of epic food proportions. Sweets of all kinds fired all over till we were down to nothing.   I heard a door open from distance, but it made no sense. Piper said her dad  was away at some 'job' whatever that meant..A woman came into where we were. she had bleached blond hair, hazel eye color, and a tight pantsuit, like an accountant would probably wear, and black high heels that clicked on the white tile. She wore a bored expression, as if she walked in on this far too often. 

"Miss McLean, if this is another stunt to bring your father home early-I'd like you to know you have failed." 
Piper's expression was impossible to read. anger? pain? disappointment? I hadn't the slightest Idea. 
"I'd like you to know-Jane-that this in fact-isn't."
"and the boy?" she raised an eyebrow at me, I looked at the ground in shame, with my socks in a heavy coat of chocolate and caramel syrup.

"he's just a friend" Piper said coldly. "I'm allowed to have guy friends" she glared
"that's what you said about Jason.." the woman said back quickly. 
Piper looked like she was close to breaking "I..I was wrong about him" Piper said, a dangerous level to her voice. I feel like I needed to say something
"uh...Piper's right...we-were only friends.."

"is that so..?" 
''yeah...um...I'm gay" 

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