Nico di Angelo

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"So...what happens now?" I asked Leo the next morning.

" depends" Leo shrugged

I didn't like how he said that, so much uncertainty, was it so much to ask for slow and steady? slow and steady..slow and steady.. Back to middle school with Will-and chasing the seemingly never returning crush of Percy Jackson. the insurance of how he felt-not knowing if he hated or loved me-was gay or straight-not knowing why he'd broken up with Annabeth Chase. The simpler times when I was struggling to stay afloat through all my murky thought. 

"depends what?"
"well..this is for you hun."

I had the distinct reaction to want to scrunch my nose up as Leo said that. I wasn't used to anyone calling me that other than Will or Percy. How dare this stranger toil with emotions like this. 

'' okay?"
"super" I replied angirly with sarcasm. 
" know, if you don't like this, we don't have to do this," Leo offered, I could hear the kindness in his voice. it made me feel guilty. 
I shook my head slightly "I..I don't know what I want"
"that's all right" Leo says softly as he sat close enough that his knee brushes mine. 

"th-..'' I want to say something-but my voice leaves me "thank you Leo" I say, why do i feel like crying? I hardly knew Leo! I knew not to show emotion! I put walls up! why were they so fragile now? 

"hey, no need to" Leo smiles-but there's something about this one, its not the crooked prankster grin,-no, there's something else about this one-it was genuine-and real. This one was so much more dazzling, I was hoping to see it much more in the future. 

"ya hungry?" he asked,
I just shrugged
"I'm gonna go make some pancakes."
"okay..can I come?''

Leo got up, and I followed him through the hallway to the kitchen I'd walked through earlier. 

he got together the ingredients, and I watched closely for lack of something else to do. he mixed everything together, and I realized it had been a while since I'd had normal pancakes, because with Percy they were blue with chocolate chips, at Will's it was made with honey and m&m's. Then at home I couldn't manage to make anything myself not burnt. 

I walked a bit closer as he worked, poring the batter into little circles in the pan. "almost done~" he hummed. 


Leo jumped(probably since I was so close) 
"Yeah..." he said slowly. "how many do you want?"
"uh..just two to start with please," Leo nodded, putting two on one plate, three on another, and leaving the remaining on a separate plate. 

"so.." Leo said once we were both sat down at a very worn and stained table with mix matched chairs. "what's you're deal with these guys anyway?"
"they have names" I grumbled
"well..they're not that important anyway, right?' I knew Leo was just trying to get me mad-but it worked 
"Of course they are!" I yelped suddenly. "their human too!" I yelled "they have names! William Solace and Perseus Jackson!" Why was I defending them? I was mad at them! But I found I couldn't stop. But before I could-Leo stops me and says, "I know."

Gym Class heroes(sequel to detention heroes)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें