Jason Grace

102 6 10

This won't end well

I thought to myself, I looked into the alcohol in my cup, my stomach churned, just as it did whenever I participated in one of Piper's 'games'

I was a bit disappointed that Reyna didn't show, I've known her for years-since the 4th grade. We were the same age, only Reyna dropped out of high school, but managed to get into college(smarty pants) I hadn't seen her in a week. She was normally hanging out with her college friends, Thalia, Luke, Grover, Annabeth, Rachel, her new girlfriend Kayla. 

Piper clapped her hands and shook me from my thoughts. "okay, never have I ever...been a dude."

Okay, now that rude. All of us-but Piper, took a drink. I did not like the taste. It was supposed to taste like strawberry, but didn't. Instead it tasted like drinking cheap perfume. 

"who's next?" Piper grinned, 

"I'll go," Nico said, whom sat closest to Piper, "we can go clock wise."

"alright," Will agreed, 

"okay.." Nico began, a grin stretching across his face. '' never have I ever...gone to a Star Wars convention." 

Will's ears turned pink, his arm shakily lifted the cup to his lips. after he sipped he said, "and for the record its jedicon!"

All of us laughed, Nico hardest. 

"my turn," Percy said, "never have I ever...had a crush on Luke." Percy smirked at Will. 

Timidly, I took a sip, as did Nico, and Will. at least I wasn't alone on this.

Will sat down his cup, "never have I ever, ..." Will's eyes rested on Nico, "been in a musical"

we all howled with laughter when Nico took the sip, afterwords Piper did as well. 

"my turn." the small body in my lap said. "never have I ever read the Harry Potter books." 

To my surprise everyone took a sip(not counting Leo). 

Everyone looked expectantly at me, then I remembered it was my turn,

"never have I ever...been to Italy?" I mainly just thought of place and said it, 

Nico took a sip. was he Italian?

"my turn." Piper smiled, "never have I ever, kissed a girl." 

Strangely, only Percy, Will and I took sips. I expected at least Leo. Perhaps his flirting was all show.

Percy offered me a fist bump I obliged. 

Nico thought for a moment, "never have I ever...rode a horse."

Piper, Percy and I all took drinks. Will, Nico, and Leo were sober one more round

I wonder how much longer until my vision blurred and I started puking.

Will filled up his cup again, 

"never have I ever..worn a dress."

We watched Piper take a sip, but then, we watched, and waited for the other boys, we waited till the count of ten, when Leo took a swig, then a timid Nico. Nico's expression is guarded. 

"it was a play i swear!" Nico squealed after a while.

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