Kuroko's Pathway to Gambling

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Kuroko was lounging about in the backroom of a well known casino in Tokyo. He had his usual poker face up and this time was putting it to good use. He was playing another round of poker and was winning yet again. Not that his opponents knew, he had a poker face for a reason. The betting had reached the high hundred thousands. Kuroko himself had bet around 300,000 yen (around 3500 cad or 2600 usd). Kuroko was quite good at poker and had been playing for the last 2 years. His family had been running low on money especially since his father died in a car accident a couple years back, and his mother decided to drown herself in alcohol to cope with the death of her beloved husband.Now, don't get Kuroko wrong, he was very sad about his father's death especially because it happened around the time the Generation of Miracles had begun to change into their cold-hearted selves. But sometimes you had to get over yourself, though maybe that wasn't the healthiest of methods. Regardless, Kuroko had reverted them all back about 3 weeks ago after he beat them in the Winter Cup with the help of Kagami and Serin. 

That was probably the happiest moment in his life so far. 

Kuroko lit his cigarette waiting for the hand to end and to collect his earnings. He exhaled the smoke and looked towards everyone at the table, with a small smirk he placed down his hand of cards. He finally left the casino at around 4 am with just under a million yen in his bag. Kuroko was a well known figure in all the casinos of Tokyo. He was best known for his impeccable poker face thus he became known as Pokerface. Kuroko may have been a minor but he made do by slicking his hair back, putting on some black skinny jeans, and topping it off with a nice white button up. Occasionally, he liked to keep an undone black tie  strung around his neck-  just 'cause. 

Kuroko found out that when he changed his look it made him look a couple years older than he really was though he was still only halfway through his first year of high school.

Thinking back he remembered when he first got into gambling.

It was two years ago. The middle schooler stumbled upon a couple teenagers playing poker in a park, he had seen them on his way home after another failed job interview. He was told that he was too young to get a job and to come back when he was older. As the middle school student walked by he noticed the money in the middle of the pile. Which was what initially caught his attention. The phantom knew about betting and such as he had read about in a novel before. Realizing he couldn't get a job because of his age he went up to the teenagers and watched. 

Eventually the teens noticed him and screamed out in fright. However slowly they calmed down and asked the kid what he wanted. Kuroko replied with an ever so blunt 'I want to know how to play, would you teach me?'. At first they had laughed at the small boy but after seeing the sheer determination in the boy's eyes they surprisingly agreed. After an hour or so, Kuroko had grasped the basics. And when Kuroko went home that night he researched all he could about poker and gambling. The next day he saw the teens again and joined in a game, he would have beat them but they had cheated which they admitted to after the game ended. They had wanted to teach Kuroko that nothing's fair in life and gambling was no different, that day they spent hours showing Kuroko different cheats and how to not get caught, while also making use of his low presence. The teens had grown fond of the boy and continued to teach him all they knew.

Eventually after a couple weeks they introduced Kuroko to the back rooms of casinos. They told him that 'this is where the real money is made' and finally stopped showing up at the park. Kuroko was sad but quickly got over it knowing they were only teaching him another lesson.  'It's a blood thirsty world out there' they had said once. Kuroko, after about a year of clawing his way through, he unofficially reigned over the world of gambling and was adept at any type of gambling game any casino had to offer. His poker face, quick learning, and low presence (which he used for cheating) had him quickly raking in the money he needed to replace the income his father used to provide and luckily it was just enough for Kuroko to be able to satisfy his mother's drinking addiction. Kuroko could never forsake his mother even though she was currently just a burden but nevertheless Kuroko was just glad to have her, he never considered her a burden being the kind hearted boy he was. 

Kuroko couldn't complain though about any of her habits, over the past 2 years he had slowly became slightly addicted to gambling but only because he needed a source of income. Kuroko did go to the casino about 2-3 times a week but never more because he did not want to make his habit any worse then it was. Kuroko also realized he might be slightly addicted to cigarettes as well, he had his first smoke when he entered high school, a guy at a regular table he visited offered him one and Kuroko decided in a good mood 'why the hell not?' and took one. Kuroko always rejected them when he was younger being that he was too young but eventually gave in just because. Slowly after that he began accepting the offer more and more.  However not because he craved it but rather out of boredom during poker matches or so he told himself.

Kuroko's mother finally got fired from her job when Kuroko graduated from Teiko because she showed up drunk one too many times. Kuroko encouraged his mother to find a new job which she did but it did not pay as well as her old one. Kuroko's mother knew her son was helping out with their family financially but never questioned where he was getting the money from. Kuroko wasn't necessarily hiding it from his mother either and knew that even if she did know she wouldn't tell him to stop. Especially because his money was what was paying for her daily dose of alcohol.

The phantom player was on his way home and was dead tired from practice. Basketball practice was even harder than usual especially after the Winter Cup. Riko had made there training menus last until 8pm rather than the usual 6pm, which was beginning to cut into Kuroko's sleep time. Kuroko usually went to sleep the second he got home and slept till 9:30 where he finally got ready, ate and then hit the casino till about 4am. He did that every Wednesday and Friday and sometimes Sunday's just in case he needed the extra cash. Now practice was cutting into his already reduced sleep schedule.

Kuroko Tetsuya was beyond a doubt tired.  

This is my first fanfiction so if it's shit , oh well. Do comment and please tell me what you think. The story picks up in the next chapter or so, this one was boring I know. Thank you for wasting your time on me :)


Obviously Kuroko no basuke doesn't belong to me, neither do the characters or the original plot. However the OOC-ness of it all does, so there you have it.

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