Running 'em dry

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Kuroko got into the first taxi he saw, it was 8:10 and the casino was 15 mins away. He knew he could make it. Kuroko wanted to be able to make a game that started at 8:30. It was one of the top earning tables in that time period.

"Mind if I light a cigarette?" Kuroko asked the cab driver.

"Yea, no worries boy." The man replied with a gruff voice. Kuroko took out a cigarette and lit it putting it to his lips slowly inhaling the smoke. Kuroko looked out the window, he felt bad leaving the GOM behind like that. He did want to go with them but there were just more important things at stake. He realized he'd have to pay the landlord soon too. Yes they weren't in debt but if Kuroko fell behind schedule he'd be screwed. His mother only made enough for groceries and such while he was the one paying the rent, the bills, for her alcohol, and yes he must admit his cigarettes as well. He thought of it as more of a treat for having to pay for everything.

Kuroko was slightly stressed about the GOM and Serin. He didn't want them to find out about his 'habits' and lifestyle. He honestly didn't want them to pity him either or feel like they needed to help him. They were all kind people and he didn't wish to burden them. Kuroko was happy with his lifestyle if anything. He enjoyed the slight thrill of it and he was good at it too. He felt independent. Something he couldn't feel in basketball. Gambling was a stress reliever and Kuroko was content with that. He recalled the lazy smoke that filled the atmosphere, the occasional clanks of the chips, the sound of shuffling, the money and ultimately the satisfaction of winning. He felt complete here. Life was as good as he could make it.

Kuroko soon snapped out of his thoughts and realized they had made it to the casino in only 10 mins, he paid the cab driver leaving him a small tip for letting him smoke and walked into the casino. Kuroko didn't want to carry his bag around the casino and he honestly didn't feel like going home to his mom was working now anyways, so he decided to rent a room for the night in the hotel above. Kuroko was feeling tired after that encounter. He bought a room on the 7th floor and threw his bag on the bed, he then shoved some cash into his pocket and locked the door behind him. The phantom took the elevator down and checked his phone, he had one missed call from his mom, probably to remind him she was running out of alcohol and that he needed to pay the landlord soon. The elevator dinged and Kuroko stepped out into his natural habitat. It was 8:29 by now he had a minute to get to the table and he was only a couple of steps away from it. He smirked and sat down. 8:30.

The dealer gave the teal haired kid a look. The male smirked at him. The dealer knew the second the teal head sat down that his table was going to be wiped dry and there was nothing he would do to stop that. Around the table sat a woman with a diamond necklace at her neck. She said she had been coming to this table for the last month saying it was the only table where she could make some real money. Another man of about 32 or so said he had been coming to the table for a couple months longer and he didn't seem too bad, in the dealer's opinion at least. Then there was another woman, she only came to ogle the dealer, she had said he right now was the best looking blonde man around (blonde's were her type, the dealer deduced) and she didn't care about losing some money if she got her eye candy in return. Next there was another man whom was the owner of a well rounded business the dealer guessed judging by his clothes. He made good money at this table, the owner declared and lastly the teal haired. There was something different about the teen. The dealer could tell. After pondering the thought and witnessing the teal head's gambling skills first hand he figured it out. The teen was none other than Pokerface.  Everyone who seriously gambled knew of Pokerface, of how he appears and wipes tables clean then disappears as soon as he appeared. Only some knew who Pokerface really was since no one would actually peg the small structured boy as someone so significant. Thus no one really knew who he was. However the dealer figured it out by looking past the small structure and innocent eyes, you could see who he truly was. The small glint in his eyes as he played and how you couldn't see the extra cards he held up his sleeve. Yes. The boy was none other than Pokerface, the dealer was sure of it. How amusing.

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