I Need a Break

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"SHO-KUN! Pass me my shorts." Kuroko yelled from the bathroom as he tried taming his ridiculous hair, still wet from the tub.

"Move Tetsuya, your hoggin' the mirror, I have practice too." Hanamiya grumbled, shoving the younger male over.

"Here, I got yours too Hana-chan." Imayoshi said entering the bathroom, he threw them both their shorts. Hanamiya was brushing his teeth while Kuroko did something to his hair. Imayoshi already dressed looked towards his two friends, if that's what they were going to call it. "Kuro-chan." He began.

"Yes, Sho-kun." Kuroko was now patting his hair down but it was still in his eyes, frustration was coming off him in waves. Imayoshi sighed.

"Come here, let me do your hair. I have some red hair clips in my bag, don't ask why. But I think they would look cute on you and it'd keep your hair out of your face." Imayoshi smiled a bit. Kuroko was wary but trusted Imayoshi, he went over to the older teen and followed him to the beds and sat down waiting further instructions. Imayoshi went over to his bag and pulled some clips out, still in their rightful packaging. Silently he went over to Kuroko and began to place the clips into his hair (A/N See above pic > - < ). "Finished. Check the mirror." Hurrying into the bathroom, Hanamiya already surprisingly finished. Kuroko examined his reflection, his hair was all mostly out of his face and it made him look a bit older, hotter. He thought that was the right word, or he was still high. Definitely still high, he was becoming self absorbed... like Aomine-kun. That was rude Tetsuya. He scolded himself. Then proceeded back to the main area of their suite.

"Now that's hot." Hanamiya laughed, putting on his school jacket.

"Oh? Your still high aren't you?" Kuroko shook his head and changed into a t-shirt, he grabbed his bag.

"Are we ready to go?" Imayoshi called out looking to his 'friends'.

"Yea." Hanamiya shrugged.

"Everyone have their cash?" Kuroko asked. They both nodded.

"Alright let's go."


"Where's Kuroko?" Asked Kagami as they were warming up.


"HUH? I show up for once and the God damn megane isn't here!?" Aomine scowled throwing a ball into the hoop behind him. "Fucking squinty eyed shit." 


"Hanamiya's still not here?" Hara mused.

"Is that anything new Hara?"Furuhashi replied.

"No, just-" Hara paused smiling wider. "Never mind me. We should let our captain have his fun." He laughed.


"Should we even show." Hanamiya said as they got into the train.

"Mm. I don't care. It's up to you Kuro-chan." 

"Right. We don't want to ruin your goody two shoes attitude do we." Hanamiya snorted. "Oh wait. You already did that when you invited them to your house."

"Your an asshole Makoto-kun." Kuroko said with a small smile.


"Your right though." Kuroko continued.

"So I take it we're skipping." Imayoshi smiled.


"Where are we going?" 

"Let's go to our homes first to drop our stuff off. Then we can meet up after." Hanamiya said.

"Alright." Kuroko agreed. They all parted when they reached their stops.  

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