What are friends for?

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(That up there my friends is 'the blonde' (OC) though I feel I wanted it to be Shizuo from Durarara, I just didn't want you to confuse their personalities. TBH at the end of the day I just googled blonde anime guys also no apple tattoo make it a spade or something. (The whole apple and L thing, the man is probably some death note reference))


As Kuroko got into the elevator he saw someone who he wasn't expecting. It was the dealer who was dealing at the table he just recently ran dry. The dealer, from what Kuroko could tell was only a couple years older than Kuroko and in Kuroko' s opinion was a good guy. And he seemed like a pretty nice guy since he didn't rat him out as he cheated during their earlier games of blackjack. The dealer turned and smiled at Kuroko then held a hand out to him as the elevator doors closed.

"I'm Yunosuke Haru." Kuroko recognized the dealer after getting a good look at his face, Kuroko had seen him a couple times in the backrooms before. Yunosuke had noticed the flash of recognition on the boys stoic face. He had been watching Kuroko for a bit. He seemed like a good opponent.

"Kuroko Tetsuya, nice to meet you Yunosuke-san." Kuroko in return held out his hand and they shook.

"No need to be so polite. We've been seeing each other around for at least a couple months or so, just call me Haru." Yunosuke insisted. Haru was never good at stuffy situations. He was a relaxed kind of guy.

"No, I couldn't." Kuroko hesitated. He had just formally met the blonde and felt it would be rude.

"No, I insist and how 'bout in return you let me call you Tetsuya?" The blonde insisted further.

"Erm. Well if you insist." Kuroko agreed shakily. He was unsure if this was a good friend to make but was excited. He didn't have anyone in the gambling world and he had no real equals either, everyone was below him but this man however Kuroko could tell by the smirk on his face and the gleam in his eyes that he might just be what he didn't know he was looking for. Kuroko had never played a hand with Haru before. The teal headed boy had seen the blonde multiple times but had only witnessed him playing once or twice. To sum it up, Haru was good.

"Haru-san." Kuroko began.

"Just Haru, Tetsuya and yes?" Haru corrected the teal haired.

"Haru, then. Ano. I was just wondering if you were going to play tonight." Kuroko asked unsure if he was prying, he wanted to witness Haru skills again.

"Yea I think I'll play tonight but only if you team up with me and the how 'bout we run everyone dry then after we split our earnings 50-50?" The blonde knew the smaller boy couldn't resist his offer. He also knew that the boy had never seen him play seriously. He wanted to earn the boy's trust and get to know him better, he was the perfect rival and maybe friend. And this was a perfect way for them to begin their 'friendship'. Haru was good at words and causing doubt, while Kuroko was good at remaining impassive also causing doubt. They both were refined in art of deception but in different ways. 'How intriguing' Haru thought, it seemed like fun and it would be nice to get some expression out of that stoic mask of his.

Kuroko hesitated at Haru's offer. He didn't truly know if Haru was cheating him. Kuroko's gut told him that Haru was bad news but he also felt that he would keep up his end of the bargain. Kuroko let curiosity of having a friend of some sort get the best of him and feeling fresh and reckless Kuroko decided to just go with it.

"Alright. Let's do this." Thus the deal was sealed. The elevator opened with a ding to reveal the luxurious floor of the casino. The 2 gamblers stepped outside of the elevator and walked proudly down the aisle straight to the back of the casino, ready to officially run the place dry.

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