Well shit.

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"TEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Was the first thing they heard as Kuroko answered his phone. He was so loud, poor Kuroko had to move the phone away from his ear. The whole gym paused at this. Serin looked over at the shadow.

"Shut up." Kuroko rubbed his forehead, he was getting a headache.

"Rude." Haru replied. "If you're going to be like that then maybe I'll just keep your 300,000 yen suit. HUH? WHATCHA GANNA DO TET?? HUHHHHH?"

"Alright alright. Not my suit, I actually like that one. Hold on let me go outside." Kuroko had finally hit a point of don't fuck with me. He looked towards his former and current teammates and shook his head walking to the door. He went and stood outside the gym door. Then asked "Are you high or something?"




"Without me?"

"Awe my damsels growing up."

"Shut the fuck up, fucking prince charming." Kuroko snapped back.

"Alright alright. Anyways tonight?"

"Yea. Do I need cash for this place you're taking me to?"

"Nah not today." Haru replied.

"Alright. See you tonight. Meet at the hotel?"

"Yea. 8pm."

"Okay. I just need to drop some shit at home and I'll meet you there."

"Later damsel."

"Later Charming." Kuroko had honestly reached a point where he just didn't care about the stupid nickname, he smiled. Ah whatever, it's not like he would have listened anyways. Kuroko shut his phone and went back into the gym. He proceeded to sit back next to the GOM and continue to watch Serin's practice.

"Sorry. A friend called." Kuroko explained his absence.

"About what might we ask?" Akashi inquired. They were going to follow Kuroko and listen to his conversation but decided to respect the phantom's privacy and just ask. Hey, the first step to a real friendship was trust right?

"Plans." Was all Kuroko said.

"I see." The GOM all sighed at this, I guess it's going to take more than just their curiosity to get the shadow to crack.

"Ne Kurokocchi." Kise began.

"Yes Kise."

"You know if there's anything you want to tell us you can right." Kise wanted Kuroko to know he could reply on them.

"Thank you Kise-kun." Kuroko had realized just then, how lucky he was to have so many friends, and that they were changed for good this time. Maybe he should start relying on them more.

"Anytime Kurokocchi." Kise replied. Aomine was playing with a basketball silently listening. Along with the rest of them. While Kuroko was gone they had realized, truly realized just how little they knew about the phantom. They had then come to the conclusion that they were going to find out as much as they could about the small teen. They were going to make up for all that lost time and be true friends again.

"Yo, Tetsu."


"What are your plans after this?" Aomine asked.

"I'm going home then going out tonight." Aomine pondered this.

"Can we come with you?" Aomine averted his eyes. They hadn't ever been to Kuroko's house and Aomine was scared that he would say no.

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