What's there to Lose?

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"So how do guys know each other?" Haru began silently observing his friends. 

"Basketball." Hanamiya scowled.

"How do you know Kuroko-kun, Yu-kun?" Imayoshi asked ever so subtly. 

"He's my best friend, we met through gambling!" Haru said enthusiastically. 

"No one's good enough to gamble with you." Hanamiya shrugged. 

"Well, Hana-chan. On the contrary wise no one is good enough to gamble with Tet-chan here so... WE'RE PERFECT!"

"Right... But still Mr. Goody here, a gambler? Am I really the only one overreacting right now?" Hanamiya looked at the megane beside him waiting for some kind agreeance. 

"I'm just as shocked as you are, my lovely kohai but Kuroko-kun has always been quite a surprising person."

"I'll take that as a compliment Imayoshi-san. Thank you."

"I'm lost. Why is it so shocking?" Haru asked as he beckoned over a waitress.     

"He's a goody goody brat that's why."

"I would appreciate it if you didn't call me that Hanamiya-san."

"Okay, okay. How 'bout this we all start anew here and leave all our disputes and rivalry on the court hmm. For Yu-kun's sake?" Imayoshi suggested. 

"If Hanamiya-san is okay with it then so am I." Kuroko said. "Also Haru, order me something strong. I really haven't had the best of days."

"Sure." Haru replied as he gave an order to the waitress. Hanamiya was silent for a bit. Finally the waitress left. 

"Alright. Fine but on one condition."

"Condition?" Haru asked.

"Yea, you miracle brat have to stop being so goddamn polite."

"Miracle brat?" Haru looked towards Kuroko.

"Alright, Hanamiya. That's fine with me. But don't call me Miracle brat." Kuroko said putting emphasis on the Hanamiya and Miracle brat.

"You can call me Sho." Imayoshi suggested. "And call Hanamiya, Hana-chan or maybe Makoto?"

"Alright. Sho-kun, Makoto-kun." Kuroko said, trying out the name. He was going to refuse but the smile that headed his way when Imayoshi said it made him reconsider.

"Oh, by the way Yu-kun. You don't know about the Generation of Miracles right?" 


"Their just a bunch of brats who are too talented for their own good." Hanamiya scoffed, Kuroko didn't say anything.


"Alright enough, let's keep the heavy topics off the table and just have a good time. You're going back to Ikebukuro tomorrow right?" Said Imayoshi.

"Yea I am." Haru nodded then turned to the waitress who put 4 glasses down. He tipped her. 

"So, what happened to make your day this shitty Tet-chan? Wanting a drink this early on?"Haru began looking beside him towards his friend.

"Well. I invited my teammates and former teammates over to my house only because they insisted and I had thought my mother wasn't home. However it wasn't until she came out of her room completely intoxicated did I and everyone else find out she was home. To put it simply I'm stressed to how they all will react later." Kuroko said bluntly. He could never lie to Haru and even though Imayoshi and Hanamiya were there, they agreed to start anew so Kuroko let it all out.

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