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It's not the way I planned,

Not my...decision

The loud boom of music, the tempo and dynamics are all crashing together forming a somewhat enticing form of music.

I got so brave,

Drink in hand

Bodies are swaying together with the beat of the drum. Sweats mingling each other, drinks splashing on the floors and on the sticky bodies. Hands splayed out in a non so discreet manner, touching places where it shouldn't touch.

Lost my discretion

"Waaahhh!!!! Hahahaha!!!!!" Hanji clutched her stomach trying to conceal her unconcealed laughter. The tequila she had just been drinking now digested inside her stomach, forming some weird churns in it. The glass which contained the tequila laid destroyed on the floor. Thank god she was on the bar stand when it happened not on the dance floor.

Hanji continued to laugh over the broken glass, head spinning round and round but she doesn't care. After her laughing moments, she then began to realize her boyfriend and her bestfriends were all gone. She tilted her head in confusion, "Where are *hiccup* t.they?"

She shrugged it out, knowing they would just find her anyway. So with dizzy, clumsy steps, she managed to enter the filled dance floor.

Just wanna try you on

Hanji bumped a lady, a lady, another lady, a lady, a man, another lady, a man, another la...looked like a lady anyway. She paused herself to sort out her mind, but a waiter was walking around with a cocktail in his tray, so nnghh.... she walked towards him, took it and drank it whole. She laughed harder, the alcohol seeping through her veins. Her throat seemed dry... she wondered why when she just drank a cocktail.

Entering the crows again with another sets of bumps, just made her mind go cray-cray, she began to see blurs of aurora all around her.

"Hanji...san?" A small voice called out for her, but seeing she wasn't answering, the small voice reached out to her.

Hanji tilted her head wondering who just tapped her shoulder, it took some narrowing of eyes before she could guess who it was, "Levi?"

"Petra" the woman sighed, "Hanji-san...you're drunk..."

Hanji placed her forefinger on her chin, "I am?" She wondered out loud, before bursting into howls of laughter.

Petra stared at the squad leader in pure shock, she was way more flunked than she was. "Hanji-san, I just saw heichou, and the others on the other side of the corner." Petra said, or yelled over the loud music. Hanji just shook her head.

Petra grabbed her hand but Hanji was way more accessed in strength than Petra is. "Come on~~~!!! Dance!!!" Again, she burst out in laughter.

Petra tried to yank her once again, but a lad just bump on her making her lose balance before landing her face on the brunette's chest. "I'm sorry!!! Buntaichou!!!"

Hanji raised her eyebrow, confused to why Petra made such a big deal out of this. She laughed it off again anyway. "Your so serious!!!~~ Here have some!!!~~~" She took a cocktail from some bypassing waiter. She gave it to Petra's hand.

Petra raised her eyebrow, she didn't want to have another drink. She just drank two shots now, and this cocktail seemed pretty strong...unlike the Captain she doesn't have a long temperance with alcohols.

Hanji stared at Petra for a few second before waving her arms around. "Wait! Wait! Wait!!! Wait here!!! Okay!?!" She asked, the ginger haired lady could just nod her head.

ATTACK ON TITAN SHIPS (ONE SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now