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the sunshine came through my bedroom window like a wave. i rolled over in my bed to try and hide from it but nothing worked. it was saturday so i had no plans.

"avi wake up sweetie." my mom yelled up at me from downstairs. i groaned and sat up in my bed. rubbing my eyes, i reluctantly got up and made my way down the stairs.

i was met with the delightful sight of my mothers face in the kitchen.

"morning ma." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"morning avi. after breakfast go head and get ready. you have a doctor's appointment today and we need to be there by eleven thirty." I nodded and agreed. i grabbed a banana and went back upstairs to take a shower.

as i was standing under the water, my stomach started to hurt really bad. not like a normal stomach ache and not like period cramps either.

"mom!" i screamed out. footsteps were all i heard coming up the stairs like a heard of elephants. knocking was what came next.

"avi baby you okay in there?" she sounded worried.

"no it's my stomach mom."

"i'm coming in baby." i nodded my head even though she couldn't see me. the bathroom door opened and the glass doors of the shower slid open. she turned off the shower water and helped me out.

"mom i-it hurts so much." i whimpered. she looked at me sympathetically and nodded her head. she went and got her phone and the clothes i was going to change into.

"try and change into these while i go call the doctor. we are gonna go in sooner." i nodded again, watching her while she dialed the number. i laid on the bathroom floor for a few seconds, clutching my stomach. i tried to wrap my head around the fact that i was in so much pain. it was so surreal.

i couldn't move. my mothers voice trailed from the hallway.

"she just said that her stomach was really hurting and she's laying on the bathroom floor right now." she sounded like she was on the verge of tears. there was a slight pause.

"she has an appointment today but i was going to bring her in sooner.

"yes i understand that but she's in a lot of pain and she needs to be seen now." another pause.

"i'm bringing her in right now." then she hung up. i was still lying naked on the floor and i hadn't moved at all.

"baby how are you?" she asked when she came back. i shook my head as a sign that it was still bad. she shook her head. i knew that face. that's her thinking face.

"okay here's what we're going to do. i'm gonna help you get dressed and then we are going straight to the hospital." i slowly nodded my head and she did too. looked to me like she was trying to calm herself down rather than myself.

i felt myself being lifted up and the pain got worse.

"mom that hurts oww!"

"i'm sorry honey i don't mean to hurt you or make it worse. i have to get you dressed."

skip the dressing and boring car ride...

the pain still hadn't gone away. we arrived at the hospital just in time. i fiercely opened the car door and threw up.

"oh honey let's get you inside quick."

my mom picked me up bridal style and walked through the front doors of the hospital. a lady was sitting at the front desk, typing away at her computer.

"hi excuse me my daughter is having severe pains in her stomach and they won't go away." i heard my mothers voice and then darkness took over.

when i woke up i was in a white room with bright lights. it took me a little bit for my eyes to adjust to the light. i tried to sit up but i was connected to a bunch of different machines.

"mom? mom where are you?" i called out for her but there wasn't an answer. instead i was answered by all the beeping. it was all i could focus on. 

"hey sweetie how ya feelin'?" there was an unknown voice that was vocalized.

"umm better i guess. who are you?"

"oh i'm sorry i'm Angela." she replied.

"how long have i been here?"

"a couple hours at the least."

"and my mom? where is she?"

"she's in the cafeteria getting something to eat."

"what am i doing here?"

"i should wait until your mom comes back to tell you Aviana." at that same moment my mom walked back in the room.

"you have cancer honey."

to be continued...

One Last Wish {Ethan Dolan}Where stories live. Discover now