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i didn't wake up for a few days. my mom was by my side the whole time. i actually thought i was gonna die when i fainted. dr gonzalez told us that it was normal for the first few days and that it would surely pass later on. god i hope he was right.

my mom came into my hospital room at around twelve.

"hey baby alex is here to see you."

"let him know i'm not really up for company right now ma. i just want to take a nap."

"i'll tell him if you're sure."

"positive." i could hear faint muttering in the hallway.

"it's best to let het get her rest. come back tomorrow alex. maybe she'll be up for a visitor then." then there was nothing. she came back in and that was it. i took my nap and started treatment the next day. the next couple weeks went on like that as well.

alex and i talked a little but i think something is up with him. he seems more upbeat and happy. whatever it is he should tell me.

Ethan's Point of View:

my twin brother grayson and i had just finished filming a video for next tuesday when my phone had buzzed. it was another dm from another fan.

i love our fans but sometimes they can go a little overboard. i decided to open it and see what it had said.

would you ever meet a dying girl who's last wish was to meet you?

i was a little taken aback by it. was it meant to be serious like a dying girls last wish ever was to meet me?

"hey e wanna go get pizza or something?" grayson had broken me out of my thoughts.

"uh yeah i'll meet you in the car."

"hey bro you okay? you look a little scared." he chucked at me but he didn't know. should i tell him?

"bro what's up with you?"

"nothing i'm just tired sorry."

"hey we're twin brothers you can tell me anything. you know that."

"i got this dm today gray. it kinda scared me to be honest."

"dude half the dms we get are scary."

"this was different grayson." i pulled out my phone and opened my instagram. i went to the dms and opened the one i wanted. once i had it, i showed grayson.

his eyes trailed over the message. they showed something i had never seen before in my own brothers eyes. regret.

"this is serious bro. what if there is an actual dying girl out there who's last wish is to meet you. would you do it?"

"what kind of question is that? of course i would do it. if she's gonna die soon then i would like to make that last wish come true."

"what should we do in the mean time?"

"let's wait and see if any more messages like that come through from the same account. we'll go from there okay?"

"sounds like a plan big brother."

Aviana's Point of View:

it wasn't long before i started to feel the treatment. i started throwing up and getting sick more and more. thanks to the treatment, i'm starting to feel weaker yet stronger at the same time.

angela hasn't been to check in on me in a few days either. neither has alex.

"hey mom do you know what's up with angela and alex lately? why they haven't been in to see me in while?"

"honey, alex isn't here anymore."

"you mean like dead?"

"oh god no! i wouldn't let that happen. no baby he's not in the hospital anymore. his brain tumor is pretty much gone so they released him." oh. that explains why he was so happy these last few weeks. i miss him already.

"and angela has been on vacation."

"oh where to?"

"new jersey to visit her family."

"new jersey you say?"

"oh my gosh avi. not those boys again." she rolls her eyes at me and chuckles a little.

"aren't you glad that i'm not gay mom? makes it a lot easier doesn't it?"

"i suppose so."

"but hey mom guess what."

"what? i'm scared to know now."


"oh my gosh honey don't tell so loud." she couldn't contain her laughter at this point. i soon joined her and he had laughed even more than we have in a few years.

ever since my dad left us, my mom hasn't been the same. she tries to be a good mom for me and she's outstanding. she's my best friend and i have no idea where i would be without her.

"what time do they post honey?"

"sometime around twelve. give or take a few minutes."

"well it's almost that time. do you still have your phone with you?"

"i think they gave it back when i checked in." i found my phone about a few minutes later and went onto youtube to find the twins. i search them and click on the new video.

once it starts playing, i'm already shocked. ethan cut his hair. and it looks like twenty fifteen ethan is back. the new video for today was a third installment of #askethanandgrayson and it was hype as shit.

"would you rather bathe in ketchup or mayonnaise?" ew. neither one sounds appetizing. ethan said ketchup and soon enough he was in swim trunks and in a kiddy pool full of ketchup. barf.

i watched the rest of the video and when i got to the end, i couldn't believe it.

One Last Wish {Ethan Dolan}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora