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"you have cancer honey."

"what?" my whole world came crashing down. cancer. cancer. cancer.

"GIST to be exact."

"GIST? what's that?" i was on the brink of breaking down.

"it stands for gastrointestinal stromal tumor. you have stomach cancer."

"can I be alone for a little bit? just to think about this and take it all in. it's a lot to take in."

"of course honey. we'll be around if you need us. just buzz in." angela pointed to a red button near the head of the bed.

the pain was finally gone. but there was a new unsettling feeling in my stomach. sleep was going to be foreign to me for a while.

"knock knock." angela came back into the room and interrupted my thoughts.

"i just wanted to let you know that each cancer patient gets one wish. it's called make a wish foundation and you can save it or spend it."

"what kind of wish?"

"anything you wish. sorry that was bad." angela and i just laughed at her play on words.

"like anything anything?" she just nodded.

"got anything in mind?" she nudged me with her elbow. i smiled a little and nodded.

"there's these youtubers that i've been obsessed with since I was twelve and it's been my my life long wish to meet them. well both of them would be nice but ethan is who I really would like to meet. they're twins and both really cute and their personalities are just through the roof." i stopped talking because i had been rambling like i do when i talk about something i love. i blushed a little when i looked back up at angela.

"i think i can make that happen." my mouth dropped open.

"you're kidding right?"

"not at all. it's all part of the make a wish foundation." i squealed like a little girl because this was happening. but then it all came back. the pain. the tumor. the cancer.

"it's okay hon you'll get used to it." but will i? i have freaking cancer. i don't know if that's something i'll get used to.

"just know that you've got some good people looking after you. you're not gonna be alone in this at all." she was super comforting and i appreciated that about her. she was like an older sister to me right now.

"buzz in if you need anything honey."

"thanks angela."

"just doing my job."

"i really appreciate it even if it is just doing your job. my mom and i could really use the support now." she just put her hand on top of mine and smiled. then she left and i was left all by myself in the hospital room.

i had never felt more small then i did in that moment. so small and so worthless. would i have to shave my head like the people on tv? people live with cancer all the time and have little problems. right?

One Last Wish {Ethan Dolan}Where stories live. Discover now