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i've never been more scared in my entire life. i have a tumor the size of a softball settled in my stomach. the time i've spent at the hospital has been nerve racking to no end. nurses and doctors everywhere. since i've been here i tried to make some friends. i successfully made one the second week here. his name is alex aiono and he has a brain tumor. cheerful right?

alex's life was pretty normal before he got diagnosed. his mind was set on making music and he is actually pretty good. he's sang to me a couple times since i met him.

"please come with me avi!" right now alex was trying to get me to go to the church inside the hospital. alex was somewhat religious and he was trying to help me find something to make me feel better. i rolled my eyes at him and nodded.

"finally! what made you change you mind so soon? you were pretty set on not going." he looked confused.

"just to shut you up." i stuck my tongue out at him in a playful manner. this time he rolled his eyes.

"kay the sooner we go the sooner we can come back and i can take a nap. i'm supposed to start treatment this week and i need to get all the sleep i can beforehand."

"after you then."

"why thank you kind sir." i giggled and stepped out of my hospital room. it felt good to finally get out and not be stuck in there all day. the walk to the chapel wasn't that long seeing as it was just down the hall from my room. the front doors were fairly large. they were certainly "church" like.

i opened the doors and held them open for alex. then we walked in and took a seat on one of the benches. there was a statute of jesus at the very front. it was one of those where he was nailed to the cross and his head was hung.

"are you scared avi?" alex broke me out of the thoughts. i turned to look at him only to see that he was almost crying.

"scared of what alex?"


"are you scared?" he just nodded his head a little.

"alex it's okay to be scared." i told him remembering the words angela used on me when i first got here.

"i just don't understand why bad things have to happen to good people. like you. like me." he was definitely crying now. i was never one for emotions and sympathy but my gut told me to hug him. so i did.

"nothing is for sure alex. we just have to live and see what happens. don't focus on what will happen. just focus on right now and trying to get better. we'll do it together okay. neither one of us is alone and we will always have each other's backs okay?"

he lifted his head from my lap and looked at me with his teary brown eyes. i just smiled at him and hugged him again.

"lets go back yeah?"

"good idea." his voice was all rough from crying.

"i'll walk you to your room and then i am gonna take a nap. or at least try to. my mom has been all over me this week. she won't leave my side. i think she's just anxious about me starting treatment this week."

"she just loves you avi. you're lucky to have her." i guess i am.

"well here we are. i'll come check on you later." we had arrived to alex's room. i hugged him once more and made my way down to my room which was two hallways down. on my way there i managed to run into someone. literally.

"oh my god! i am so sorry i wasn't looking where i was going. are you okay?" i looked up from the floor that i had been knocked down onto to see an unfamiliar face.

"yeah yeah i'm okay. hit my head a little too hard though."

"i'm such a klutz. how's you head?" he was kinda cute though. or maybe it was the headache he caused me warping my brain.

"i'll get some ice and i think i'll be okay."

"hey what's your name? you look familiar. maybe i've seen you around the hospital before?" he was one to jump in fast. damn dude chill i have fucking cancer.

"aviana. you?"

"tyler." he held his hand out for me to shake. i shook his hand and we started walking to my room. he asked me about myself and i told him a little bit. but none of that included the cancer.

"this is me." i said when we finally got to my room.

"you're a patient here?" he was puzzled.

"i am. problem?"

"uhh no not really." okay now he was really wasting my time here.

"okay look it was nice to meet someone that's not a cancer patient but i really need to get back to my room."


"yeah. maybe i'll see you around sometime. bye tyler." what was that all about? when i walked back into my room my mom was sitting down in one of the blue visiting chairs. when she saw me is when she lost it.

"aviana jade lodge! where have you been?"

"mom i was with alex! he wanted to go to the church inside the hospital. he seemed upset so i went with him and we talked for a little bit." why was she being like this?

"you should have told me before you left. i was worried about you avi. what if something had happened with the tumor and no one was there to help you?"

"first off i was with alex and he could've taken care of me and second why are you acting like this all of a sudden? is it because of me starting treatment this week?"

"i'm just scared like you. i don't want anything to happen to you and me not be there to help." she was crying by this point.

"mom you said it yourself, nothing bad will happen to me okay?"

"i'm sorry honey."

"it's okay mom. it's okay to be scared. you told me that once. now i'm turning it around."

"i love you so much baby. i love the person you've become even under such circumstances. i'm so proud of you."

"thank you momma i love you too."

"so much for a nap huh?" i chuckled to myself and sat on the edge of my hospital bed.

"what kind of treatment do you think i'll have to do?" i asked my mother who sat back down in the blue chair.

"i'm not sure. guess we'll find out starting tomorrow morning."

"if it's okay with you could i go check on alex to see how he's doing?"

"sure baby go head. but hurry back because we both have a big day ahead of us. you'll need your strength later on." i kissed her cheek and thanked her. i hoped i wouldn't run into tyler again. something about it made my stomach upset. something wasn't right about him. i'll have to tell alex about him and see what he has to say.

i made my way down the long hallways. with each step i grew more tired. soon enough darkness was all i saw and felt.

One Last Wish {Ethan Dolan}Where stories live. Discover now