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Ethan's Point of View:

The DM I had gotten a few days ago was still fresh in my mind. A dying girl had really wished to meet me as her last wish.

I opened my phone and went to look at the message.

Would you ever meet a girl with cancer who's last dying wish was to meet you?

I think I would.

Aviana's Point of View:

i was laying in my hospital bed with my phone set on my stomach when it buzzed.

then it buzzed again. and again. my instagram notifications were blowing up! The message i sent to ethan dolan had been read. no. freaking. way.

"OH MY GOD!" i exclaimed. angela had come back from vacation a few days ago so i wasn't surprised when i saw her rush into my room when she heard me yell.

"what's going on? are you okay?" her words were jumbled together as she spoke at a speed i couldn't keep up with. i just laughed at her serious manner.

"ang look!" i showed her my phone screen that held the message I had sent to ethan. underneath the message was his username indicating that he had, in fact, read my message.

"what am i looking at avi?" my mouth fell open at her words.

"what are you looking at? ang i sent this message to ethan dolan a few days ago and he read it! do you know what this means?" she shook her head no. i sighed at her and looked back towards my phone.

"you know i exist now. at least a little bit anyway." i whispered down at my phone, soft enough that only i could hear it.

"avi? you were all freaked out about this message thing just a second ago. what happened? your behavior just went from one hundred to zero in seconds." i looked back up at her, my eyes threatening to spill with my tears.

"what if he just blows it off like it's nothing?"

"avi he's not gonna do that. it's too important. i am going to make sure you get to meet that boy. i need to see you happy."

when she left the room again after making sure i was okay, i pulled out my phone and started typing another message for ethan dolan.

Ethan's Point of View:

I was just finishing up a late work out session when my phone went off, quieting down the music a little.

Curious, I picked it up and there was another dm from the same account who sent me the dying girls last wish.

"Hey Gray! Come out here for a sec." I shouted for my brother who was editing a video we had shot earlier today. His footsteps were loud as he came trampling down the steps and into the main part of the warehouse we had recently purchased.

"Sup E?"

"Come look at this. I got another message from that account who sent me the dying girls last wish dude."

"What's this one say?"

"My name is Aviana Jade Lodge and I have GIST. It stands for Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor. I have stomach cancer. I'm only sixteen years old and I have been a fan of yours since I was twelve. I may not have a lot of time left and it would mean the world to me if you would come and visit me in the hospital. My room number is three sixty two on the third floor of the only hospital in town. Blue Valley is the town. I'm sure you could figure out the rest." I read it all out loud so Grayson could hear it too.

"That's crazy bro. Are you gonna go?"

"I'm thinking about it yeah. Is that a bad idea?"

"Not at all. I think you're doing a good thing here E." I let go of the breath I was holding in. I'm really gonna do this.

"I'll help you pack?" Grayson offered.

"You're not gonna come?" Panic mode. Not having my twin brother there by my side made me think of the worst.

"Bro this is something you have to do on your own. I'd love to come but she asked for you. Not me." He was right. He was always right. Dammit.

"You're right."

"Damn right I'm right. Come on E let's go pack." He slapped my back with his hand and we started walking. We got in the car since we were at the warehouse. The drive was short and quiet.

"Okay when we get there, you'll start packing and I'll book your flight." I nodded and started for my room.

"Oh and E?"


"You'll be fine. I believe in you. So does this girl who wants to meet you."

"Thanks Gray."

"Any time." I got to my room and started packing. I didn't know what I would say to this girl once I met her.

Hi I'm Ethan Dolan and I'm sorry that you have stomach cancer.

God I'm an asshole sometimes. I needed to figure out what I would say to her and how I would comfort her.

"Hey E. Blue Valley is in Canada so make sure you have your passport."

"Yeah I will." Canada. Crap.

"Hey Ethan? Now that I think about it, doesn't dad have GIST too?" Shit.

One Last Wish {Ethan Dolan}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora