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Ethan's Point of View:

"They're so cute. Don't you think?"

"Absolutely adorable."

"Should we wake them up yet? avi does have to start treatment in a few hours and we need to get her prepped."

"let them sleep a little bit longer. this is the boy she was telling me about isn't it angela?"

"sure is. didn't she ever talk about him to you before he came?"

"i think i remember her talking about some youviners or something like that. twins i think." their presence was there for a little bit longer before i heard a camera go off.

Aviana's Point of View:

ethan was still next to me when i woke up, which is something i could get used to. i slept peacefully for the first time since i was diagnosed. i was still in his big purple, cotton, t-shirt but the smell was starting to fade a little.

"how'd you sleep princess?" angelic and raspy at the same time. his morning voice was my second favorite sound, next to his laugh at the very top of my list.

"actually, that's the best i've slept since i was diagnosed to be honest. how about you eth?"

"we cuddled all night and you wouldn't let go, which i am totally fine with. i slept really good for a hospital bed." he kissed my forehead and got up.

"oh and beware of women with cameras avi. i think angela and your mom found us sleeping together and took a picture."

"dammit angela." he laughed. he's so fucking adorable.

"what should we do today?" he still wants to hang out with me.

"i have to get up and get prepped for my round of treatment in a few minutes but you can stay here and wait if you want to?" i offered. although, i don't think he would want to sit here all day and wait for me to get done.

"i think while you are doing that, i'll have a little tour of the city with alex." he replied. alex. that's right. i forgot he was still here.

"wanna bring him by later when you come back?" i asked.

"of course. i know he wants to see you. i should get back before he notices i'm gone. i snuck out last night while he was still sleeping." i gave him a smile and he came to hug me. he smelled so good.

"do you want your shirt back?" i had started to take it off when he declined.

"keep it. it looks better on you anyway."

"what are you gonna wear?" he looked at me and smirked.

"clothes duh. i'll change when i get back to the hotel avi."

"i'll see you later?"

"definitely. be careful with your treatment and get lots of rest okay? i will be back with alex later." i nodded and he kissed my forehead. i held his hand and he let go when he walked away. it was one of those cheesy scenes in a movie when one lets go of the other persons hand.

when he left, he passed my mom and angela, who were walking back into my room at the same time he was leaving.

"boyfriend?" mom asked me, wiggling het eyebrows.

"mom no. that's ethan dolan. i dm'd him that i had cancer and that i spent my last dying wish on him. and bam! he's here and sleeping in the same bed as me."

"that's what you were all excited about when you said that he saw your messages."

"i just can't believe that he's actually here mom. he's actually here. oh my god he's even better in person."

"sounds to me like you've got a crush on him avi." angela interjected.

"show me the picture." they both looked at my confused and i knew they were playing dumb with me.

"what picture are you talking about sweetie?" you've got to be kidding me.

"mom, ethan told me he heard a camera go off when we were still asleep. show me the picture you guys took of us." angela wanted to give in. i could see it in her face.

"okay okay fine! i'll show you the picture." gotcha. she had her phone in her pocket and pulled it out for me.

i was met with the cutest picture ever. it was of me and ethan cuddled up together in my bed. my head was on his chest as his arm was wrapped around me. my mouth was slightly parted, while his head was falling off of the pillow.

"oh my gosh." it came out as barely a whisper. this was real and this was my life. he was finally a part of my life.

"cute right? i came in with your mom to wake you up and i thought he had left already." angela spoke.

"he did leave. but then he came back early in the morning, to throw pebbles at the window. he ended up spending the night." i blushed uncontrollably and i couldn't help it.

"he seems sweet. you'll have to properly introduce me to him sometime." mom told me. she wanted to meet him and make sure he wouldn't hurt me. she was dying to meet him.

"mom, do you want to meet him later? he's coming by with alex after i'm done with my round of treatment today. i'll sleep when they leave." her eyes lit up, like a child on christmas morning.

"can i? if that's not too much at once?"

"no mom it's fine. i'm sure he'll be thrilled to meet you."

her and angela went on for a little while about him. angela would tell my mom what she knew about him from the day before. she said he was super sweet and kind.

but one thing i didn't know was the talk the two of them had before he came into my room to meet me.

angela had told him, that if he hurt me she would hurt him.

One Last Wish {Ethan Dolan}Where stories live. Discover now