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we laid in my bed once again together. he held my left hand with his right and traced soft circles. my head laid on his chest as i listened to the sound of his heartbeat.

the rhythm of it was soothing to me. we laid in silence with only the sound of our breathing. our chests rising and falling as the oxygen came in and the carbondioxide came out.

"grayson should be coming in a few days." ethan's voice broke the silence.

"really? i'll meet him finally?" the excitement was present in my tone.

"yes avi you'll finally get to meet my twin brother." he let out a laugh as he spoke.

"what's he like?" i knew nothing of grayson. the grayson i knew was the one in front of the camera, making people laugh alongside ethan. i was exhilarated to finally be meeting the other half of the famous duo that i basically grew up watching on vine and youtube.

"gray is the type of guy that you can go to, with anything. he'll always be there to help you when you need it, and give you anything without asking for something in return." he started to give me the run down on grayson.

"you can always count on grayson. if you're depressed or down, he'll try to make you feel better by telling you some of his lame jokes. if you're sick, he'll take care of you." he spoke fondly of his brother.

"he sounds extraordinary." i replied, quietly.

"he is. did you watch the "draw my life" video?" he looked down at me, with curiosity in his eyes.

"of course i did. what kind of fan girl would i be if i didn't?" i joked. i watched all of their videos.

"well do you remember the part at the beginning when our mom was giving birth to us? and gray got stuck after i was born?" he asked me.

"yeah i do. why do you ask eth?" the point of this was unclear to me.

"that was the scariest moment for my parents avi. if gray's heart never started beating again, then i wouldn't have a best friend or an incredible brother that would always be there for me. my life wouldn't be as it is now. that's what scares me the most." his eyes welled up with tears and a few threatened to spill over the brim.

"everything happens for a reason ethan. i can't wait to meet him. i swear i won't go all fangirl and attack him." i may have said that but i still might do it when i see him.

"i know what you're thinking avi."

"what am i thinking oh wise one?" by now i had turned onto my stomach so i was facing ethan and looking up to see his face.

his face contorted as he laughed at my previous words. it was a beautiful sight to see.

"you're thinking how much you want to kiss me right now." dammit. it's like he's got this spell put on me.

"read my mind." his face was inches away from mine. his lips were centimeters from mine. and then there was no space left.

he tasted different this time around. the mint and cherry chapstick was no longer present on his lips and tounge.

this time i found that it was vanilla and passionfruit. each kiss was different and unique in their own way.

his hands found their way to the back of my neck, as he pulled me closer to him. my hands were in his hair, slightly tugging at it. everything in this moment was perfect.


She was beautiful in every way possible. I was so infatuated to the point where I didn't think about anyone or anything else.

She was my new obsession. I had my hands gently around the nape of her neck, while hers found my hair.

We kissed passionately but it had to come to an end. I pulled away first, to catch my breath.

"I can get used to that. You're a really good kisser." She smirked up at me.

"You're not so bad yourself." I kissed the top of her head as she cuddled into my side.

"I could probably lay like this forever." I spoke.

"If I had forever." She whispered, hoping I wouldn't hear it. But I did.

"Look at me." I demanded. She reluctantly did as I said.

"I'm sorry Eth. I didn't mean it like that. It's just this whole stomach tumor thing is slowly killing me and I can't do a damn thing about it."

"I am gonna make sure that nothing bad happens to you. Not while I'm around." She shot me a small smile.

"I appreciate it." She let out a breath.

"That's a promise I'm making to you right now." I held out my pinky for her. She locked hers with mine.

"Pinky promise."

One Last Wish {Ethan Dolan}Where stories live. Discover now