~Ch.6 The Book~

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Sam watched as days rolled by. The rose hadn't done anything to big, other than following him around and the occasional nightmare. Otherwise, it was pretty dormant.

Today his family had begun on their way to their new home. Sam had said bye to them, but it felt weird, in a way Sam couldn't quite put into words.

Taurtis had also noticed Sam's tension lately and was starting to worry about him a little. He would constantly ask questions and Sam would calmly reply without saying too much. He didn't know why he wanted to keep the rose a secret, it just seemed a little too crazy to explain. Regardless, Sam kept his head up. There had to be a way out of this, he just had to find it.

Sam strolled through the halls, searching for a peculiar room. Finally, he came to a room with lot and lots of books, the library. He wasn't sure why he hadn't thought to come here sooner. Surely one of the many books in here had to know what was going on.

He began looking up and down the aisles, picking out any books that could possibly have information connected to the rose. Once he had a decent stack of books, he took a seat and started skimming through each book. However he still couldn't find anything.

Frustrated, Sam placed the books back on their shelves before walking out. Where else could he look? He could try to see if the library in town had anything. It was the only other place he could think of, so why not. Without bothering to tell anyone else where he was going, he headed out to the town library.

After a long time of searching, Sam still couldn't find anything. What was he supposed to do? Clearly he needed to find someway to work out what this rose was or what was happening with him, but how?

He huffed as he ran a hand through his hair. He chewed on his bottom lips as he racked his brain for any clues the rose or any of its vision gave him. But then again, why would the rose even bother to help him? To make everything more exciting? Maybe for some other purpose? Or perhaps it is forced to at the hand of some other worldly being? Whatever the cause, Sam had to figure it out.

A cold shiver ran up Sam's back. The sensation of being watched fell over Sam, making him feel uneasy. He glanced over his shoulder, across to where the librarian sat at her desk. She was an old lady. Her hair was curly gray and her eyes were a pale blue. She was hunched over and her skin hung loosely to her body. She looked to be busy with books in front of her.

Sam slowly stood and walked over to her. He wasn't sure why, but he felt like she might be able to help him. He cleared his throat, "Excuse me Miss."

She glanced up at him and spoke with a frail voice, "What can I help you with?"

"This may sound odd, but I'm looking for a book about a rose."

"Well, there are plenty of books on roses."

"You see, I'm looking for a specific rose, particularly one that can cause strange dreams or hallucinations."

"What could a young man like you want with a rose like that?" She questioned.

"Well you see, I've been having a little problem with a rose like that," Sam smiled nervously.

Her eyes widened, "I'm sorry, I can not help you."

"Why? Wait, do you know something about it?"

"I'm sorry, but we never spoke."

"Wait, please, I don't know what to do about it. Can't you just tell me something that will help me?"

"Nothing can save you now, you are in her hands."

"Who's hands, do you mean April?"

"You have fallen into the spider's web, there is no escaping."

Sam pause, "Wait, I thought she was a rose?"

"Can't you just let me be metaphorical, you think stuff like this happens everyday?" She frowned.


"You should be. My days are numbered, I'm allowed to have fun once in a while. Anyway, to answer you're question, yes, there is a book here, just let me quickly get it," She stood from her seat and slowly made her way to a door with 'Storage' labeled on it. She soon came back with an average sized book in her hands. She blew some dust off the cover, causing Sam to cough a little. She smiled at him, "I don't usually let people check out this book, but I can tell you need it, perhaps it will be able to save you."

"Is that another metaphor or are you telling the truth?" Sam asked.

"When you read this you will figure it out. Just be careful, young one. You have know idea what ancient evil you are dealing with."


Hey guys, I'm so so sorry for no updating. I've had a lot of things on my mind and I was a little stumped on where to go next with this, but I have figured it out, I promise. Also, after this story, I'm going to do a one shot type of book again, though it will be more fluff rather than smut, but I might still do smut, I don't know for sure yet. But I want to do this mostly because I have a lot of ideas but they're more like one offs rather than full blown stories. I also want to give myself a little more time to fine tune my next fanfic idea. I also might join a writing contest, I'm not sure if I will yet, but it's most likely that I will. I have a lot of summer project that I want to get started, but we'll see what I actually get to. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll see you all in the next chapter, Bye~!

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