~Ch.10 Free~

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Sam laughed with his friends as they all sat on a park bench together, munching on the sandwiches they got for lunch. He couldn't believe this was real, they actually defeated the rose. He doesn't want to say that he had little faith in them, but he had little faith that they would pull it all off. Yet, here they were, rose free.

Taurtis tightened his grip around Sam when he noticed him staring off into space. He leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Relax, you don't have to think about it all any more."

"I know, but it's so hard to believe. I mean, I little bit of me kept hoping, but I thought it was all a lost cause," Sam admitted.

"Yeah, I will admit Ellen, that was pretty cool you were able to figure it all out," Grian said.

Ellen shrugged, "It wasn't that hard."

"You're just being modest," Sam hit Ellen lightly on the shoulder.

"Really, it wasn't that incredible. You needed help, so I did the best I could," Ellen said as they bit into their sandwich.

"Still, without you, we wouldn't have be able to get rid of that damn rose," Taurtis chuckled.

The group continued to talk as they finished their meals. Soon they all parted ways, Taurtis and Sam heading back home and Grian going with Ellen to clean up their house.

As Sam and Taurtis walked down the path that lead back home, the two held hands, swinging them was they walked. Sam smiled slightly as he was just happy to be with Taurtis, and this time, without fear of the rose interfering in anyway.

Taurtis pulled Sam closer to him and smiled, "Isn't this nice? Just the two of us walking."

"Yeah, it's nice to be with you," Sam agreed.

"I'm so happy you're free."

"I am too. Now I can be with you in peace."

Sam stared up at Taurtis, who had a smile on his face. Sam stopped walking, Taurtis stopping with him. He gazed down at him, "What's up?"

"Nothing," Sam smiled as he gave Taurtis a quick peck on the lips. When he pulled away his smile fell as he suddenly felt dizzy, his vision starting to blur. As the world around him began to fade into darkness, the sound of laughter filled his ears, "Did you really think you could beat me at my own game?"


Sam woke up back in his bedroom, rose petals were scattered around him. Tears began to roll down his cheek, he thought this was over.

"No one can help you. You're in my realm, you are at my mercy," The rose spoke, her voice calming and soothing, through Sam knew not to be fooled.

"Is your name even April?" He asked.

The rose laughed, "Of course not, you think I would give you my actual name?"

"What about the story, I suppose that was false as well?"

"No, that was somewhat true. It's an actual story in Sorcerer lore, but I changed up a few things."

"What do you want?"

"Isn't it obvious? I want you to suffer," Her voice changed from a soothing one to one full a hatred.

"What did I ever do to you?"

"Nothing, you're just easy prey. I was simply bored one day and I stumbled upon you."

"What do you mean?" Sam rose an eyebrow.

"A young little bunny boy, lost in the woods as his two wolf friends ran along ahead of him. It was easy to lure you in. You wanted your friends to notice you more, they were always together, you knew they didn't really care about you."

"I don't understand."

"Of course you don't, I wiped your memory. No, the sad truth your two best friends being I love was not one that would be fun to mess with. However, the thought of you being with one, that was rich. I'd make you fall in love with one, only to rip you away and feed you back the horrible truth."

Sam shook his head, "No, you're lying!"

"Am I? Come on Sam, you know deep down that I'm right. You remember, don't you?"

Sam saw flashed of him with Taurtis and Grian, except they were ignoring him. Sure, occasionally they would talk to him, but they were mainly with each other, laughing and playing. Sam closed his eyes and covered his ears, shaking his head again, "No. No! I will not give into you!"

"Oh that's hilarious, you think you have a choice," The rose laughed again.

"I do, because I won't let you control me," Sam shot up and rushed for the door. He opened the door and slammed it shut behind him, only to realize he had walked back into the room.

"Nice try," The rose said, "But you'll have to do better than that."

Sam shook his head. He had to keep trying, he needed to be back with Taurtis.

"That's so cute. You really think I'm lying, but what I say is true. If you were able to defeat me, you would realize that and wish you had submitted."

"Why should I trust you? All you've done in lie. This is just one huge game to you."

"Just submit, Sam. It's the easiest option."

"Oh yeah? Well watch me do just that."

Sam tried the door again, but failed, the only other option was the window, and Sam wasn't ready to try that way just yet.

"Again, really? Did the first time not convince you that wouldn't work?"

"Yeah, well I had to try."

"No matter, I'll break you down eventually."

"No you won't, I'm stronger than you think I am."

"I'm telling you Sam, you'll thank me for this."

"No I won't, I'll never thank you, all you've done is trap me in this horrible dream."

"Want to know a little secret?" The rose sounded like she was whispering in his ear.

He decided to humor her, "Sure."

"You're already dead."

Just as Sam frowned, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. It began to get harder and harder to breathe. His mind was racing as he began to panic. He could feel blood gathering in his mouth. He coughed some of it out, causing a bit to drop out of his mouth.

He gazed down at his stomach to see a stem with sharp thrones impaling him. At the tip of the stem a white rose was beginning to blossom. Slowly it's petals began to turn a dark red as it became harder and harder for Sam to keep conscious. As the last petal was almost fully red, the rose spoke one last sentence to Sam, "Do you finally understand? This is a dream you can't wake up from."

Sorry, not sorry.

Hey guys, so, I'll admit, this was my plan from the beginning. You didn't really think I'd give this story a happy ending did you? I need one bad ending. Also, as for my next story, it will be a Taurian fanfic. It's isn't completely done, I have a few more stuff to do. I'll make sure to tell you guys, on here when it's done. Hopefully I can finish everything by tomorrow, no promises though. Anyways, I hope you all have enjoyed this story, I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I'll see you all in the next one, Bye~!
~PinkBoss Music

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