~Ch.7 A Cursed Rose~

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Sam rushed back home, not wanting to waste anymore time. Everything that the librarian had said was starting to get to him. Was he really in danger? Was this situation that serious? Sam had always had a feeling that something was off, but a matter of life or death?

Sam closed the door behind him as he reached his bedroom. Thankfully, Taurtis was not here. He was probably in a meeting or something.

He sat down on the bed, crisscross apple sauce style, with the book on his lap. The book was leather-bound with a rose etched onto the cover. There were a few symbols that Sam recognized as an old form of Magics, a special written language used by Sorcerers. It was typically used for spell books, so the fact that it was used on a story that was viewed as nothing more than an old wives' tail was puzzling to Sam.

Sam traced the lines of the rose. He was a little apprehensive about reading the book. He liked the fact that he could believe that this was all just a dream, and he definitely didn't want to find something in this book that made him think otherwise. But he knew he had to, if this was truly as dangerous as the librarian said, Sam had to know what was going on.

He unlocked the little latch that kept the book closed and opened to the first page. Luckily, not all of the writing was in the old Magics, and he could actually read most of it.

Skimming through the first few chapters, it didn't seem like this was what was happening to him. The story spoke of a girl who was given a white rose by a strange man in the woods. Soon she started to get sick and the rose slowly changed color. By the time the rose was fully red, the girl was dead, as if the rose was sucking the life out of her. And that was definitely not what was happening to Sam. However, as he continued to flip through the pages, he realized it was a collection of different rose themed stories. Surely this book would know something, it just had to.

Sam was flipping and flipping, page after page he was slowly losing hope that he would find anything on what was happening to him. Maybe looking through old fairytales wasn't the best way to find the information he needed.

Sam sighed as he flipped the page, silently deciding that if there was nothing useful on this page, he would stop looking. His eyes brighten as he came to a new story. This one spoke of a cursed rose. An old woman came to a small town. She went from door to door, begging for anyone to let her rest for the night. But the townsfolk turned a blind eye to the woman. Until a young girl offered to help the woman. The girl gave the woman a nice meal and bed to sleep in. The woman thanked the girl kindly and the next morning the girl woke up to find that the woman was gone. However, she soon found out that the woman's body was found lifeless in a creek along the side of the town.

Now, the girl didn't really fit in at the town and the townsfolk didn't really like her, so they took this opportunity to say that she killed the old woman. With the whole town against her, the girl didn't put up much a fight. She knew in her heart that she didn't kill the woman. The townsfolk decided to have her hung in the center of the town. When they were about to hang her, a young girl appeared out of nowhere and stopped them. She told the townspeople to not hang the her, for she had done nothing wrong. The girl thanked her, but the young girl simply said, "These people do not deserve to get away with things like this. It is time we do something about this."

She explained to the girl that she could give her powers in order to get back at the townsfolk, but she would need her to die in order for it to work. The girl hesitated, but eventually agreed. So the girl stabbed herself, allowing her life to drain away. Then the young girl simply placed her on a bed of roses and began to chant. When the girl woke up the young girl was gone. She glanced around the town and realized that everyone in the town had a beautiful red rose. For every rose, the girl had a white rose with a name on it, each rose connected to a person. The girl began to use her new magical abilities to manipulate the roses and lead each person to there death. The only way to stop her, is for a sorcerer to chant a reverse spell and return the girl to her once dead form.

Sam stared at the words before him. This was it, this was the rose he was dealing with. Sam quickly shut the book. He needed a sorcerer and he needed them fast.

Hey guys, I wrote so many different versions on the story of the rose. Through I did kinda like the original one I was going to go with, it just didn't make sense with the storyline. I had to figure out one that would make sense with what the rose has already done. My head kinda hurts from thinking so much, it was literally trial and error for the longest time, I was almost worried I wouldn't finish this on time, but I did. Yippee! We're on track! Anyways, I hope you all are enjoying the story so far, I hope you all have a wonderful day, and I'll see you in the next chapter, Bye~!

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