~Ch.1 Back to Normal~

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Sam yawned as he sat up on his bed. He smirked as he saw a familiar mop of dark raven hair next to him. Sam ran his hand through Taurtis's hair. He still remembered how happy he was when the courts allowed couples of different groups to be together. After all, they had the Queen and King of peace at their side, since they themselves were an Angel and a Vampire.

Sam leaned down and placed a kiss on the top Taurtis's head before climbing out of bed. He glanced at his nightstand, where the rose he had picked was placed in a vase. Through this time, it was much less unsettling. Since Sam was knocked out of whatever dream or hallucination he had been in, he hadn't had any weird dreams or anything like that. As far as he was concerned, it was all just his imagination.

Besides, the rose was now wilted and its petals were falling off. Sam refused to throw it out, he wanted it to be there to remind him that it was all just a dream.

Granted, some of the things he had seen in said dream came true. Like Taurtis giving him his mating bite and Grian being Taurtis's half brother. The only difference was Taurtis always knew, Grian had told him a long time ago. Through it was still unsafe to mention that to anyone else. Grian could be killed if the court ever found out he was a half-breed.

The hybrids were also being moved into the walls in a few weeks. It was a sign that the courts were finally starting to except them and remember what really brought all this about. After all, the war between the supernatural beings and humans started because the humans in prisoned the hybrids in concentration camps. It would be foolish to outcast the hybrids after all the courts did to save them.

Sam sighed as he tied his tie, his school uniform already put on. He walked back over to Taurtis, who was still sleeping soundly. He shook him, "Taurtis, wake up."

Taurtis groaned in response, rolling over and putting his pillow over his head. Sam rolled his eyes, "Taurtis, get up!"

A muffled "no" was the only response Sam got.

"Okay," Sam sighed, "I guess I'll just have to get the cup of wat-" "Don't You Dare!" Taurtis hoped out of bed, "I'm up."

Sam laughed, "Good, maybe we can get to school on time."

"Whatever, you just go wait by the front door," Taurtis grumbled. Sam laughed, grabbing his backpack, he walked over to Taurtis and placed a kiss on his check before leaving the room.

He walked down the hall on stood by the door. He fished around in his bag for his phone. He was about to text someone, to see if they left already, but when he looked up they were standing right in front of him. He smiled, "Hey Grian."

"Hi Sam, are we waiting for Taurtis?" Grian gave a knowing smirk.

"You know it," Sam giggled.

"You know, I don't take that long, I just wake up late," Taurtis grumbled as he walked up to them.

"Well that's your problem. Anyways, let's just get going already," Grian said as he opened the front.

Sam smiled as Grian and Taurtis argued about what time Taurus should go to sleep and what time he should wake up. Sam was quite happy that things were calmer than they were in the strange hallucinations he had. And he was much happier with the way things had actually turned out.


In a dim lit room, with the sound of a ticking clock and a leaky faucet, a girl laid on a strange green couch that almost looked as if it was covered in moss. She wore a dress made of white petals and little pink shoes that were pointed to a tip at the front. Her legs were crossed and her emerald eyes moved across the pages of the book in her hands. Her long ruby hair was loose and draping over the side of the couch. One look at her and one might think she were some mythical fairy, considering the walls of her house looked like dark oak wood and the floors almost resembled a stone path. However, one would be horribly mistaken to picture such a manipulative creature as herself as something so pure.

She groaned as she set her book down. Stretching as she stood up and walked into her kitchen. She grabbed her hair tie off the counter and pulled her hair back into a high ponytail. She sighed as she rested her hands on the rim of a cauldron. She glanced at a vase of white roses, each with a different name written in red on it's petals. Smirking as she picked one up from the vase, she gently placed it into the water of the cauldron. The water bubbled for a bit before showing her an image. She laughed as she watched the scenes before her, clapping her hands together as she started to think of possible ways to mess with her favorite victim.

Her eyes darkened a little bit as her laughter calmed down. She spoke in a soothing voice, one of which she had used to lure many of her victims to their inevitable demise, "Oh Sam, did you really think it was over?"

Hey guys, I'm excited to start this one. I really enjoyed writing the first one, so I'm excited to see where this one ends up, though I do have a pretty good idea. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll see you next time, Bye~!

Drenched In BloodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon